Cyrillic (probably Russian) interpretation help of one footnote

• Feb 16, 2025 - 20:39


maybe this is not the right forum, but perhaps someone can help?

A friend would like to know the meaning of the footnote on PDF page 29 of… (especially about that D in the notes there). The quality of the scan is atrocious, though, and no better scan has these footnotes, and nobody seems to have transliterated them yet.


My Cyrillic is more than rusty, and my Russian nōnexistent, but so far I’ve got variations of:

в авторском переложения "симфонических танцев" для 2-х фортепиано последняя шестнаддатая второй четвер-ти 'ре' (фл., гоб. (Oboe), кл. (кларинета), скрипки и альты (Viola)) заменена на ми-бемоль.

A Bulgarian friend thought the transcription was at least close, but doesn’t know enough musician terms to interpret it.

Google Translate leaves us still unclear about this (is the D replaced by the E♭ (and the latter played), or does it replace it (and the D is played), etc.) so anyone who could shine a light on this would be welcome.

What I think it means is: “in the version for 2 pianoforte, it has an E♭, but in the version for orchestra it’s (deliberately?) replaced with a D, so play that D”

The friend is also interested in whether the fingerings on page 30 are Rachmaninoff’s original or added by the editor. is probably a better ressource for this as it contains a long foreword in Cyrillic.

Thanks in advance!


In reply to by kovalev_ev_

Ah, so the other way round!

Hmm. According to Wikipedia, he wrote the two-piano arrangement at the same time as he wrote the orchestral version, do the extra dissonance from the D in the orchestral version is probably intended.

Thank you, I’ll tell the person who had the question.

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