Blank measures in parts

• Mar 18, 2025 - 03:10

Hello - I created a band score (attached) and as I'm looking at the parts, there are several measures that are blank where the score has notes written. Any idea what the issue is? Example Horn 2 (may be labeled F Horn 3/4) m. 84 and 108.

Attachment Size
Powerpop Girls.mscz 484.87 KB


I've not looked at the score yet (only reading this on my mobile) but maybe you can try to reset one or more of the parts.
By the way, which version of MS are you using?

When I open that score, I get a message that ...

File "Powerpop Girls.mscz" is corrupted
This file contains errors that could cause MuseScore Studio to malfunction

... and then it has a button to Show details. If I click that button, I get a list that shows five measures in the Full Score with lengths that don't correspond to the "Actual duration" expected of the measure ... and 165 measures in all (most?) of the Parts with the same issue. The problem measures in the Parts all say that MuS "Found 0/1. Expected: 4/4". I predict that if you compare that list to the parts you'll find that exactly these measures are blank. Notice that they don't even have the "whole measure rest" that an empty measure always has.

I will guess that this score was created by scanning a .PDF document or (less likely) importing a MID file. The first is, by far, the most common source of this kind of error.

Correct the five errors in the Full score. Then reset the Parts. (Click the Parts button [top center]. Click the three dots button to the right of a given Part and click Reset from the menu.)

You'll get this:

Powerpop Girls-2.mscz

I did this in MuseScore 4.4.4. If you have an earlier version, you may need to perform these steps yourself in your version.

I strongly recommend you inspect the following measures (in all parts) and compare them to the original for missing or incorrect notes, dynamics, articulations, tempos, ornamentations, etc. These are the measures that had corruption in one or more parts.

30-34, 84-86, 90-98, 106-125

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