Midi-Mapping commands receive double inputs
I'm trying to map some of the controls on my keyboard to some of the midi mappings available in the preferences menu, things like starting/stopping playback, toggling rests, and toggling dotted notes. However, no matter which control I use, the command is executed twice, once on pressing the key down, once when releasing the key. This means many of the commands are rendered useless, since many of them are toggles, and activating them twice turns them on and then off again. This is the case whether the control is a key, button, drum pad, or pedal. I'm unsure if this is a bug, a quirk with my keyboard, or just some setting that I don't have checked somewhere.
Check to see if your keyboard sends MIDI messages on more than one channel. For example if I activate two voices on my piano, then each note I enter via MIDI appears in the score twice. This is because the note MIDI message is sent once for each active voice. Something similar might be happening to you.