
• Dec 10, 2009 - 15:39

I was looking for a symbol for a fall and it seems to be conspicuously absent. I'm nearly certain that this has been mentioned before, but I would like to bring it back to your attention. There's a couple different types that I know of. Some people use a glissando line slanting down from the note head to nothing, and other people use a slur line also slanting sharply down and connected to nothing. It would seem these could be placed just like the articulations, by double-clicking on an item in the pallet. As for playback.... I dunno.


There is also a straight line at the bottom of the "Lines" pallet that you can add, then bend the right end down by clicking on the box on the right end of it and pushing the down arrow. Not perfect I know, but it works and seems to stay in the right place when extracting parts and formatting them.

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