
• Dec 11, 2009 - 00:19

Hi All:

I recently came upon MuseScore while trying to find a way to make music flashcards. I want something that will allow me to notate a chord on one side (ie. aug 6th, N6, 7th chord etc) and the answer on the back. Is that something that I could do with MuseScore?


Attached is a flashcard ? Not sure if it's what you wanted

How to?
Create a score with two measures. Enter two chords and Ctrl +K to enter the chordname on the second one.
RIght Click on the first measure and Staff properties
Empty instrument name and short instrument name
Go to Layout -> Page settings -> Increase the scale to have only one measure per page.

Change the chord style in Style->Edit Style -> Chord names -> Pick the jazzchords.xml.

Attachment Size
SampleFlashCard.mscz 1.2 KB

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