Improved Input Method Proposal

• Dec 11, 2009 - 15:52

Instead of the A, B, C, D, etc. method of input, why not simply use the directional pad? Or at least have an option to choose between the two. If you want to look at probably the most robust music creation software out there look at ... Their NoteWorthy Composer is beastly, If anybody thinks this is a realllly good idea then PM me about it; I may look into the source code and see what I can do - but I'm not doing so if nobody would want it. Their note input method can be summarized thus:

Enter note: D-pad for pitch selection (cursored); enter for commision
Delete note: Backspace (cursored)
Create Chord note: Ctrl + [Enter Note]
Delete Chord note: Ctrl + [Delete Note]
4BeatNoteLength Selection: 1
2BeatNoteLength Selection: 2
1BeatNoteLength Selection: 3
1/2BeatNoteLength Selection: 4
1/4BeatNoteLength Selection: 5
1/8BeatNoteLength Selection: 6
[Natural]: 7
[Flat]: 8
[Sharp]: 9
[Dotted]: [period] [Press twice for double-dotted]
[Slur]: [semicolon]
[Tie]: [forwardSlash]
[Tenuto]: [underscore]
][Accent]: [bang]
[Staccato]: [comma]
[Marcato]: [caret]


I really don't see how this is an improvement. It's just different in the use of shortcut keys, and I think would take more strokes to enter notes since there would be only two keys (up and down) for the seven pitches. Expecially since the introduction of better accidental handling, I don't think the current system is broken, so don't fix it.

I would agree that the current system is fine, but of course I'm biased because I came to MuseScore from Finale. Finale's input method is similar to MuseScore's so it didn't take me long to get comfortable with MS.

I think if you used for some time and got used to it, you would find MuseScore's entry method pretty intuitive. I know it's vastly different from what you're used to with Noteworthy Composer, but I agree with MDMilford that the MS method is less keystrokes than the one you described (if I understand you correctly).

In reply to by newsome

I tend to agree as well. It's a matter of taste and habits and I like MuseScore way. I tried NoteWhorthy and pressing the arrow keys before inserting a note does not feel natural to me.

Nevertheless, if you can code, patches are always welcome and even if we have decent "bug closing ratio", you are welcome to join the bug extermination. The issue tracker is quite lively.
You can find some infos to compile and build MuseScore in the developer handbook or on the MuseScore developer mailing list

edit: I wouldn't say improved, more like augmented :)

I'm not saying the current system is broken, I'm not even saying its ineffective.
I am saying that users with a poor mouse (:]) can't be accurate enough to place a note on the staff, and a keyboard input mode would be much more preferable.

And I agree, the current system is very much like Finale, but Finale is also a very processor hungry application. If we want this application to be accessible to the masses, we must remember that the masses don't have beastly comps like ours :]

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