Triplets not being fast enough

• Nov 7, 2014 - 19:19

I am composing this piece that is in C minor and is supposed to sound like a thunderstorm. I have a good tempo for the bass which is allegro.

In the bass I have C, G, C, G in eighth notes until a little bit after the treble chords. These treble chords are the lightning Then I have 2x C minor, 2x F minor, 2x C minor, 2x Gm7 twice, also in eighths. This is the thunder.

I played the triplets like twice as fast but still had it start and end on the beat. These triplets are the wind. However when I put this into musescore the triplets are slow, like twice as slow as they should be.

The triplets should be at like a trill speed almost since thunderstorms have high wind speeds of like 65 MPH.

How can I get the triplets to be twice as fast as the bass and also start and end on the beat of the bass without speeding up the bass?

Attachment Size
Thunderstorm.mscz 2.2 KB


Isn't this an issue of music theory and composition technique? I'm not seeing how it relates directly to MuseScore at all.

Edit: in the spirit of trying to offer some assistance (even though there's no apparent answer other than then one that makes sense to you as composer), perhaps you might try triplet sixteenth notes to each eighth note in the bass clef. As a more general suggestion, I would recommend asking at a composer's forum like the one, for instance, at Piano World website.

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