beta1 build: path to include files

• Dec 6, 2014 - 12:39

Hi, I am trying to build musescore2.0beta1 on Linux. My GL and QT5 include files are not in the standard directory, but in /usr/X11/include

I use command
CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include make release
but build system still cannot find correct path to includes.
When I manually move some header files to /usr/include, build system finds them.

Is there any other way to provide additional include path for build? (sorry, I am not very familiar with cmake system)

There was no problem with musescore-1.3 build: with CXXFLAGS option it was able to find GL and QT4 includes in my /usr/X11/include directory. I am wandering is it broken now, o there should be used another approach.

Thank you.

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