Rate my Score

• Dec 15, 2014 - 00:45

http://musescore.com/user/1116386/scores/505986 is the link please comment if it is good, also its my first piece ive composed so it probably sucks.


Wow, that piece sure is aptly named.

For improving the look:
First go through the notes and consider adding staccato to some of the places with lots of short notes followed by short rests.
Then, where there are big clusters of weird rests, try connecting them, you may have to use dotted rests or double dots.
Also, the HUGE jump in the bass in measure #21 is just too much. Try writing the G in the bass clef in the treble clef instead (And notice that it is a voice crossing)

For improving the music:
In order to make things MORE unpredictable, you should think about adding in tuplets, time signature changes, key changes and accidentals. Especially the accidentals, this piece could use some chromaticism. Besides that, it's all about what you want to do with it. If I were you, I'd keep going with the fast jumpy melodies and start to increase the rhythmic complexity and start changing keys and stuff as it goes.

Also, make sure to consider the harmonies in the bass line. If you want to have a specific chord progression then it's a good practice to write it all down first and then start to write it out. As it is, many of the harmonies are pretty weird, (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that), so it doesn't have the effect of a strong, recognizable chord progression.

That being said, I'm no musical genius, I'm just an amateur, but I still think I give good advice!

I don't know how much you know about music, but this is a great place for information: http://tobyrush.com/theorypages/index.html
Don't be intimidated if it's too complex at times. Music is pretty complicated until you really study it. Don't worry about all that stuff until you have mastered the basics-- triads, seventh chords, and basic harmonic progressions (I-V-I, I-IV-V-I, etc.)

I hope this is helpful. I like the idea, and the rhythm is fun. I bet this is impossible to play. Good luck!

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