Footer Editing...REALLY Miss the 1.3 way...

• Dec 17, 2014 - 04:30

Hey Guys
Thank you for these awesome upgrades!
I use your program to rewrite hymns for simplified organ: .
I am grateful for the gift I can give others through this amazing software!

I have noticed though, that the freedom I used to have in 1.3 in regards to having total freedom to edit and arrange my footer according to my liking is gone. :(

I can no longer click on my footer and move it around; double click and add a return, change portions of the font or even insert a copyright symbol.

I am sooooooo bummed! :/

I may sound like a control freak, but I loooved having absolute power over my score, the text, the headers, the footers and such. Now I feel limited and it is totally bugging me.
Please, please, please....give me my old option was soooo awesome ~ I don't want to have to retro back to the 1.3 to restore my global powers.

Thanks for letting me put in my 2 cents.
I appreciate the time and amazing talents that have developed this program!



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