Imidi Import

• Jan 6, 2015 - 14:38

I have an old tune produced by some other music software (pdf attached) for which I generated a midi file from that software (also attached).

I then opened that midi in MuseScore v2 and the result is attached.

Whilst it plays back fine, the result is not what is required.
1. the timing has been set as 4:4 when it should be 6:4
2. In the original there is an anacrusis (pick-up bar) of 2:4

I can't find anywhere that I can specify what the time signature should be nor anywhere to specify the existence of an anacrusis. I appreciate that may be beyond the scope of midi import soI looked at amending the resultant MuseScore file.

I can change the time signature in Musescore but can't see any method of indicating that the first two crotchets are an anacrusis.

Am I missing something obvious? Or is it not possible to add an anacrusis to an existing piece? I'm not sure I've expressed that very well.

Attachment Size
St Winifred.MID 2.07 KB
St Winifred.PDF 155.21 KB
St Winifred.mscz 22.51 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

It seems the first bar isn't detected properly as a pickup measure. So to fix it I had to:

* Select the first measure, right-click and Insert a new measure
* Set the new measure duration to 2/6
* Cut/Paste the entire score back to the new first measure
* Delete the last empty measure
* Set the final measure duration to 4/6
* Set an end bar line on the final measure
* Go around, select the half/quarter tied notes and press "." to make them dotted half notes

Maybe there's a faster way? I didn't see anything to change in the MIDI import panel.

In reply to by Shoichi

I forgot the first critical step, drag 6/4 time sig to first measure.

What explanation do you want for the two steps you highlighted? If you select the first measure, right-click and select the menu item "Insert one measure", a new empty first measure gets inserted, but it is set to 6/4 (once you drag the new time sig over first). Now select it, get Measure Properties, and change the Actual duration to 2/6. Now you have a new 2-beat pick-up. Now select the second measure to the last measure, cut, select the first measure and paste.

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