Missing note font

• Feb 9, 2010 - 19:58

Whenever I opened Musescore 0.9.5, everything seemed to work fine - except that whatever font used to display musical notes and other things - time signatures, clefs - doesn't work on my system (OS X Snow Leopard). I downloaded 0.9.6, and the same thing; everything shows up as boxes. Is there a font I can download to make Musescore work?

Attachment Size
Screen shot 2010-02-09 at 1.53.27 PM.png 343.13 KB



henrys-macbook-pro-15:~ ______$ /Applications/MuseScore.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore -F
in stat: : No such file or directory
in stat: : No such file or directory
Init midi driver failed
Sym: character 0xe104(57604) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe105(57605) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe106(57606) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe107(57607) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe108(57608) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe109(57609) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe10b(57611) are not in font
preferences.checkUpdateStartup: 0
lastupdate: 11.02.2010 20:02:35.188

In reply to by mach2moo

oh, the formatting removed the names of the notes because it thought it was in html...here I removed the brackets, but they were around the note names and the font name.

Sym: character 0xe104(57604) note 1/2 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe105(57605) note 1/4 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe106(57606) note 1/8 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe107(57607) note 1/16 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe108(57608) note 1/32 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe109(57609) note 1/64 are not in font MScore1
Sym: character 0xe10b(57611) dot dot are not in font MScore1

Same problem here. All the notes show up as squares. Running on Mac 10.6.4.

Also tried running and pre-release. Neither one will show the correct font for notes.

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