LMMS and MuseScore 2 on Windows

• Jan 27, 2015 - 16:13

Hello !

I am trying to use LMMS 1.1.0 with MuseScore 2 (beta 2).

I found this tutorial http://musescore.org/en/node/25785, but it seems be for Linux and MuseScore 1.3. Do you know if an updated tutorial exists ? Or, can you help me please ?

Thanks in advance for your response,



I'm sorry I can't help,
I just know I saw Jack settings in Edit / Preferences

But if someone makes an update to Musescore 2.0 with LMMS it may go directly in the handbook 2.0 http://musescore.org/en/handbook-2.0
either in Advanced topic (I thing that would be the better place) or Sound and Playback (maybe just a link in that section)

I am also struggling with it, but my version is 1.3, i installed jack but it doesn't recognize musescore and LMMS is recognized only for audio, and even so only the output, did you found a solution for your case? If you found please tell me. Thanks.

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