split measures

• Mar 2, 2010 - 22:13

In choir scores for people who don't read music, I use often line break within measure, (but between verses).

So I would appreciate a way to split measure.

Presently the procedure is as follows:

Select the measure after the one to be split, insert one measure
Copy the measure to be split, paste in the new measure.
Select the first of the 2 identical measure and make it irregular
In the second measure selec t the right part, copy and then paste at the beginning, and make the mesasure irrgular.

A nice procedure would be
Select the measure
Have an edit menu "Split measure", and a dialog to set the split point, and checkif Musescore shall delete or keep the right part of the mesasure.

Couln't this suggestion be an addition in the "properties of the measure"?


I see that this split measure function, and the opposite: join measures, are available in MS 2.0. I had not seen this when I posted a suggestion for a plug-in that is in some ways similar to this feature, but with a different purpose and different result: split-measure . I'm thinking of a split-measure-for-editing feature. The functionality I would like to see is:

- start with note selected within a measure and invoke the "split-measure-for-editing" feature
- that feature would automate these editing steps:
1) insert a new empty measure following the existing measure
2) copy and paste the notes from the existing measure to the new measure
3) in the existing measure, delete the selected note and all subsequent notes (i.e. turn them into rests)
4) in the new measure, delete all notes that are before the copy of the selected note (i.e. turn them into rests)

So, the end result would be two measures whose contents are the front-half and back-half of an existing measure. But differing from the "split measure" operation in MS 2.0 in that the number of beats in each measure are the same as the original measure. (This type of feature could even be viewed as an answer, of sorts, to requests for insert mode, as it creates the extra space needed to insert notes, but has the advantage of not having to deal with pushing any beats/notes across a measure boundary.)

Am bringing this up to discover whether this variant of "split measure" should belong in the MS core code or not? If the consensus indicates that this would be better done as a plug-in of sorts, then I'll take the discussion back to that forum thread (although I'm not sure the plug-in framework has enough access to the internal object to get this done)

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