First day and I already wrote something new! I love it.

• Mar 28, 2010 - 23:04

As a piano student of 8 months with weekly lessons, I've only managed to learn 8 or so songs. However, my teacher often has me write little pieces of my own as assignments, but writing everything out by hand was tedious. For instance, in "The Cat Curiosity Killed", I absentmindedly wrote the entire bass line reversed and had to erase everything. I don't even want to think about writing all the 4ths in Big Brother. Thanks to MuseScore I didn't have to! I wrote that in about 90 minutes from scratch! Also, it's not only faster, but it looks much neater too.

I'd love any criticism, but I've noticed a few things already I'd like to hear about.

1: I mainly produce the melody first (Killed Cat being the exception) and then make a bass line to go with it. This doesn't seem very creative. How bad is it to follow the melody with both hands?

2: I like to play around rhythmically once I have a melody. In Big Brother, some measures are half note, quarter note, quarter note, and others are dotted-quarter, dotted-quarter, quarter. Does one sound definitely better than another? Speaking of rhythms, is there a way to get swing time without using 6:4?

3: In Lunatic Constellation, I know I want the beginning fast, the middle slower, and the end very slow. But I didn't know the exact bpm to use, so I just used a 4:3:2 ratio. What ratios are good for bpm changes?

That's all I can think of for now. I'm really loving this software! Thanks for any criticism.


But do you know that there are two ways of tying notes :
1) click the first note and keyboard S
2 click the first note and keyboard +

When the two are of the same pitch, the 1) does not make a longer note...

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