The default value for the page size settings (Layout->Pagesettings: Two sided) lets my laser printer goto to error stop

• Mar 28, 2015 - 05:11

Speaking of ms-2.0.0 rev. 6e47f74 (downloaded from New scores are created with the "two sided" page settings layout. This is a problem for my samsung laser printer ml-1660: If I print such a score (contains 2 pages totally) using "print all", the printer goes to error stop after having printed the last last (of 2 pages). Page 1 is not printed.

I have to reset the printer to make it operable again.

Remark: the Samsung laser printer ml-1660 is NO duplex printer.

After setting the page size to NOT double sided, printing is OK.


The templates for new score creation don't appear to have a page setting explicitly set and MuseScore by default (I don't know why other than that it has to have some sort of default behaviour) assumes two-page setting. I presume that your printer (or the printer driver) isn't handling the request for duplex printing properly (i.e. it should revert to single page printing if it isn't a duplex printer). Possible solutions:

1] Every time you create a new score, manually uncheck the two-sided print box.
2] Create a new score, uncheck the two-sided box and save it as a template so that when you create a new score next time it is set up correctly. This has the added advantage in that if you often write for a particular instrument/group of instruments you can save yourself a bit of work each time you create a new score.
3] Internet search and update printer driver if it is a known issue with other programs.

Attached is an example template I use for piano scores. It's just a blank piano template with 100 measures and the two-page setting turned off. If you look in MuseScore Edit->Preferences you can find the directory where your templates are stored and place any new templates there.

Attachment Size
03-Piano_100_bars.mscz 1.95 KB

In reply to by underquark

1. Since I reported the issue, I'm choosing already your proposal No. 1
2. My samsung printer ml-1160 cannot be configured as a duplex printer
3. I'm using system-config-printer for ml-1160 configuration (Fedora 22)
4. No hits found in the internet for that issue..

Kind regards

Joachim Backes

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