
• Apr 26, 2010 - 11:34


please here is a little misstake. I have set E-major (4#) and I wvite B. When I move it up I suppose B#, but appears natur C. I would like it to be according to a key. I'm moving B (it is fifth tone) and I want it move up - not move down the sixth.

Thank you very much


You can put in a B, click on the note head to highlight it, then click the sharp symbol on the bar at the top of the screen. It works for me in the latest nightly.

That workaroud works as long as there's one B# (or Fb), but I'm writing a score now with multiple repeated Fb's in a row, and then you get flats before every note instead of just before the first. I think it's a bug.

I'm using R.3128. Steps to reproduce the problem:

1 enter F, add a flat with the flat button
2a enter another F, add flat -> both notes get a flat
2b enter another F and push down arrow -> an E appears instead of Fb

Selecting both F's and clicking the flat buttin gives the same result as 2a.

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