Unnamed work in progress

• May 2, 2010 - 22:05

I've just started using Musescore and wrote this short composition. I'm still learning how to write drum parts, so as of now it'll sound pretty awkward. Please take a look and comment. ^_^ Suggestions for its title are welcome!

Thanks! - Asutori

Attachment Size
Composition 102-02.mscz 4.76 KB


I tried cello in place of violins in the second line. It sounds better.

For a title :
because SOL is the french for ENglish G
SI is the french for english B
and CE sands for english C
Anything needs a begining

Thanks for the comments! I'll be making the suggested changes and will re-upload when finished. I don't have much free time at the moment though, so it might be a while.

Cheers! - Asutori

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