creating satb acapella sheet

• Apr 30, 2015 - 23:02

Sorry new to Musescore. Trying to create my own sheet from a score. I selected the satb format with 5 measures and started to fill out the tenor line and got to the 5th measure and wanted to continue filling the next line/système but could not find out how to do it. Looked everywhere, on the manuel, videos, etc. I am sure it is something very simple but I am exasperated. Do I need to subscribe??
Looking to hearing from someone


You can add more measures by selecting the last measure (click on it) and then either choose Add/Measures/Append Measures from the menu or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+B. In either case a little box will pop up asking how many measures you want to add.

Just hold [Ctrl]b for a few seconds until a goodly number of bars have been appended. You can always delete the unwanted ones later.

J'ai commencé à remplir ma partition à SATB avec 4 mesures et j'ai terminé le premier système. Maintenant je veux continuer avec le deuxième système. Je vois comment ajouter les mesures mais je ne vois pas comment ajouter un syème. Je veux avoir 2 systèmes par page. Merci pour toute aide.

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