First Experiences with MuseScore - Concepts in Songs and Experimentation (Probably Pretentious)

• Jun 20, 2010 - 08:27

Why hello there all visitors; as you can see from the title, this is my first experience with the MuseScore software, and so far I've roughly composed four tracks, all of which were subject to complete revisal upon revision of the synth and mix qualities. They're all minimalist ambient tracks (the reason why i downloaded ms in the first place) and though I think it's almost done, I'd like some fucking scrutiny.

Info on the tracks themselves.
1. The most "drone" of all tracks, as well as the most vocal and the most lengthy.
2. The most concise and melodic of the tracks.
3. The one with the most time into it.
4. The most stop-start (a lot of the ties don't hold out, but the stop-start quality sounds cool-ish, so it may or may not be a happy accident [if you didn't catch the hint, tell me if you like it or not.])

Attachment Size
1.mscz 5.2 KB
2.mscx 143.63 KB
3.mscz 4.53 KB
4.mscz 4.38 KB


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