Four Tuplet
OS: Ubuntu 9.04
Musescore: 0.9.5
I'm 3/4 time and I want to spread 4 quarter notes over a bar containing 3 beats. So, get in Note mode, type in a dotted half note rest, position the cursor in front of it and press Ctrl 4. What I get is a bracket for 4, but the note durations are eighth notes not quarter notes. What have I done wrong?
First, try starting with a whole rest instead of a dotted quarter rest.
Then, instead of being in Note Entry mode with the cursor in front of the rest:
(1) click on the whole rest to select it;
(2) press CTRL+4 to replace it with tuplet rests;
(3) go into Note Entry mode to enter your notes.
In reply to suggestion by [DELETED] 448831
Thanks for the idea. I did try this but I get the same results. Found a work around but it isn't pretty and works for printing but playback would not work as I change the time signature to 4/4, enter my notes, construct my own bracket, change it back to 3/4 for the following bar and make invisible the time signature changes. That sucks, huh?
In reply to Re:Suggestion by bones12
The tuplet usage you describe isn't unusual -- one of Chopin's big pieces in 3/4 uses that device extensively -- so no workaround should be necessary.
FWIW, I saw two fatal problems in the method you were originally using: (1) you have to start out with a whole rest, not a dotted half note; and (2) CTRL+4 only works correctly when you're outside of Note Entry Mode. If you wish to create a tuplet group in Note Entry Mode, you need to go through the menus instead (i.e., Note > Tuplet > [kind of tuplet]. But in any case, you have to start with an empty measure containing only a whole rest.
Maybe others will have some advice.