Is there a way to create a Note = Note tempo marking?

• Jul 11, 2015 - 17:50

I'm trying to create a marking when switching from 4/4 to 6/8 time that would indicate that the new eighth note would equal the old sixteenth note. Is there a way to do this? Or do I have to specify the tempo numerically?


You can create new tempo text and double click to edit it. Once in edit mode, press F2 or click on the "alpha" sign at the bottom left to select the note characters. Once done, click the tempo again and in the inspector, uncheck Follow text, set the BPM to the value you want.

I think you are asking for something like dotted crotchet = crotchet? In which case enter the tempo text as usual (dotted crotchet = 80 or whatever) and then double-click on it to edit it and use F2 to bring up a crotchet symbol.

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