Graphical image of instruments

• Aug 4, 2015 - 19:41

Hi, gang!!!

I know this future capability isn't directly related with the music itself and/or the program itself.

I'm a music teacher and I love to work with little kids (because they have their minds "in blank", without the typical adult mental problems and limitations).

In this way, I think MuseScore is "THE" very good software to initiate the little child into the music world.

And, I think it would be so nice to them if there was a graphical image (a little photograph) of each instrument used on the scores. I'm talking about the Instruments Choice initial menu, the Mixer and the first staves page.

Yes, I know it can be done adding images into the pieces. But, I'm talking about to add an auto image insert (with the respective main preferences disable option, of course).

Just an idea.

Greetings and Blessings!!!!!!!


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