voices Don't Work

• Sep 25, 2010 - 08:48

When I try to start entering the second voice on the same staff , after clicking the green '2' icon, instead of adding the new voice to the pre-existing first voice, it replaces the voice.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I am having the exact same problem as the original poster describes. I've created a new score, using the piano template. I've done exactly what the handbook suggests, which is to enter all the notes of the first voice, and go back to the beginning to enter the second voice. I click the first note (for example, it's a D), then click the green rectangle for Voice 2, and if I type the pitch letter (for, example E), the note for voice 1 changes to E, and the green rectangle deselects back to the Voice 1 (blue). If I re-select Voice 2, and enter another note, the green rectangle stays selected, but the cursor stays blue, and the notes continue to be entered as Voice 1, changing the notes previously entered.
I can imagine this being a problem with the piano template, or some type of issue my operating system (Vista Home Premium), but I have read "Voices" and as far as I can tell, I am doing exactly what the handbook says to do, and it's not working like it should. I can't add a second voice.
Maybe there's a step missing in the instructions...

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