Heavier style (with hand-made style)

• Oct 2, 2010 - 08:53


As I prefer an engraving style somewhat heavier than MuseScore default, both for aesthetic and for practical reasons (it is easier to ready from for myopic eyes and/or in less favourable lighting conditions), I made a partial style file which makes the following elements heavier:

*) bar line
*) end bar line
*) note stem
*) staff line
*) bracket distance (well, this is made wider not heavier, of course)

Most of these elements cannot be set through MuseScore own commands, so I prepared a style file by hand.

1) Download and save the attached style file to a folder where you can then find it. MuseScore by default looks for styles in the folder "<MuseScore-main-installation-folder>\styles", so it might be simpler to put the file there, but any other folder would do as well.
2) Rename it, removing the final "_.txt" from the file name (I had to add this extension otherwise the forum would not have allowed me to upload the file)

1) Load the score you want to use this style with.
2) Load the style with the "Style | Load style..." menu command. As it only contains data for the above five elements, it will not change any other score style element you may have customized.
3) Save the score to merge the style into the score permanently (or close the score without saving, if you do not like it!)

The changes are not huge and may barely noticeable on screen; they should be evident in print-outs, though!

!!!! CAUTION !!!! CAUTION !!!!
As most of the elements modified by this style cannot by edited through MuseScore commands, once this style has been applied to a score there is no easy (or supported) way to revert to MuseScore defaults for that score.

Hoping it might be useful to somebody,


Attachment Size
heavier_style.mss_.txt 285 bytes

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