play music in - in realtime - on midi keyboard, along to a click..

• Nov 13, 2015 - 16:26

play music in - in realtime - on midi keyboard, along to a click..

if musescore can import midi and show it as a score, it won't take much coding to enable it to capture a midi performance on-the-fly and render it as score..

IMHO, you're really missing a fundamental function here!

if it did this Musescore would be hands-down the best.


According to me, real-time MIDI input is not fundamental but rather a nice to have. Similar as input through handwriting with a digital pen or OMR. The input methods which MuseScore currently provides are fundamental.

That said, we'll support any developer who wants to take on this feature request.

The coding required for this is actually very complex, including the creation of a low-level MIDI timecode generator which is currently missing from MuseScore due to no-one on the development team having the necessary expertise to write one.

But perhaps you are volunteering?

As Thomas says, this would be nice to have, but until someone with the necessary expertise joins the coding team I wouldn't hold your breath :)

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