Musescore interfering with other programs?

• Nov 19, 2015 - 04:41

I just got a new laptop. Well, actually, I just got a DIFFERENT new laptop. I returned my previous laptop for having the same issue. Here's the specs:

Dell Inpiron 11 7000 2-in-1
i3 skylake processor
8gb ram
128gb ssd
Windows 10 home edition

I'm an experienced musescore user and I've never heard of this. Musescore causes Youtube and other flash objects in browsers to crash. It also stops Cockos Reaper from initializing. Earlier I thought it was a Dell issue. Maybe it is. But if I install musescore 2.0.2, all the mentioned programs don't work including MuseScore itself. If I uninstall Musescore 2.0.2 and restart the laptop, everything else is restored to normal working condition.

I'm upset because I was going to use musescore to teach my music classrooms later this school year but won't be able to if I can't run a notation software


Just the fact of installing MuseScore is causing problem? Or you need to run MuseScore and then Reaper can't run?
What's the soundcard or sound chipset in your computer?

One thing to try....

Go into your soundcard configuration from Control Panel and ensure that the "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" in the Advanced tab of both Playback and Recording is unticked.

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