Opening score failed, to large?

• Jan 20, 2011 - 14:01

Hi, when I'm trying to open my score I got the warning that it failed because it's to large. I've worked very hard on this score and can't reproduce it from scratch. First: how can I open that score? ( saved as a mscz doc) Second: when is your score to big? It was a piece for church organ and was only two and a half pages large.

Thanks for your help!


Would it be possible to provide the score somehow? Perhaps attach it to a comment or add a link in a comment to the score? If you do the latter, you can remove the file yourself anytime, just the link will be broken then.

In reply to by Annemieke_

The file is corrupted. In the same directory, can you spot a file name .passepied.mscz, (dot as the start is intending, comma at the end as well). If yes, remove the comma and the dot and try to open it in MuseScore.

Next, if it doesn't work out, try to go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\MusE\MuseScore\. (Assuming your are on windows... ). One of the mscz files here can be a backup of your score.

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