Accent marks

• Jan 28, 2011 - 02:45

I am not sure whether this is a bug report or a request for a new feature.

It is a very common practice for most accent marks not to collide with staff lines. The distance from a top or bottom staff line would be minimum of ½ staff space.

MuseScore will place many accents so that they touch (or very nearly touch) the top or bottom staff line.

As an example, I recently did a large orchestral score which contained many, many accent marks. Most were the common “lazy V” accent (>). MuseScore’s default positions allowed many of them to very nearly touch or occasionally even collide with staff lines.

I painstakingly raised or lowered hundreds of them in the full score so that they would be the minimum of ½ space above or below the staff. But after parts were created, most had migrated back to their original positions, requiring the adjustments to be done all over again in the parts.

Could this be an option -- that they would be placed a minimum of ½ staff space from the top or bottom staff line? Of course, the option of moving them would still be needed. (I am thinking of multi-voiced parts were nearly anything might be required.)


You can check Style -> Edit global style -> Articulation & ornaments and change the anchor point of the accent or the distance to the notehead for all accents in your score.

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