Zerberus is not working

• Dec 6, 2015 - 04:59

Musescore 2.0.1
Windows 10
Hi. I downloaded the famous Salamander Grand in sfz format and then tried to load it with the zerberus player. However, the playback sound was still the fluid one. When i deleted all the soundfonts, no playback sound was produced although i had chosen "salamander grand piano" in the mixer. I'm using salamandergrandpianov3 24bit. Thanks.


Ok - it's working fine on my Windows 10 system, so we need to establish why it won't work on yours.

First of all - Do you have the directory of 24bit samples in the same directory as your SalamanderGrandPianoV3.sfz file??

It should be called 48khz24bit.

In reply to by quocthinhnguyen

Ok more things to check.

Have you tried with one of the 16 bit sample sets?

In other words, are you sure your sound card is capable of playing 24 bit samples?

If you open your synthesiser window (from the View menu) is the Salamander Piano listed in the Zerberus tab like this?

Is the Salamander Piano listed in the mixer? It will be right at the bottom of the list of sounds.

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