SoundCloud plug for MAC

• Feb 7, 2011 - 18:11

I did something wrong in the installation of the SoundCloud plug because it does not show up in the plug-ins menu of MuseScore.

Now I do not know how to uninstall it to start all over again.

( There should be an UNINSTALL COMMAND included in the package. )

How do i uninstall because the information to uninstall is too compliacted for me because i do not have a complete understanding of the MAC TERMINAL application.

I sure require help with how to uninstall.


If it does not work, nothing has been copied and you don't need to uninstall.
First be sure that you copied MuseScore in your applications directory, directly and without any subdirectory.
Then download and unzip the plugin. Double click on install_mac.command and a terminal will appear, asking for your password. Just enter your password and the installation should be ok.

I placed MuseScore application loose in the Applications folder.

When i launch MuseScore there is a message that the playback has been disabled because...

following the instructions in the message seems to indicate that i have to get into the package contents.

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In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the help/info and your patience with me . All this terminal stuff is too much of a hassle for this musician to get Sound Cloud dancing with your Mac version of MuseScore. I will just use MuseScore as is and use AudioFinder or Wave Editor to transport the audio files to my Sound Cloud audio vault.

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