suggestion of a a new feature to facilitate score edition for "variable geometry ensembles"

• Jan 1, 2016 - 10:15

hello ,

first : a happy new year to all musescore's developers & users !

second: all my congratulations for this great software. I follow musescore for several years and i am always surprised by the quality and evolution speed of this program: Really , i think that, for the essential points, musecore 2 is now comparable or greater than the others well known commercial score editors

I want to submit you the proposition of a new feature , very useful for music schools and small amateurs ensembles
I make frequently small 3-6 voices arrangements for this kind of small ensembles . Generally , i start from a piano score and when i have written the C conductor i must create all concerned instruments with different pitch and i proceed with copy paste

for example:
part 1 ut
part 1 Bb
part 1 Eb

part 2 ut
part 2 Bb
part 2 Eb
part 2 F


etc etc.....

. It's a very tedious work. Any further modification needs to redo part or all of copy / paste , without a mistake ...

I think this could be automated by adding a modification of the "parts" feature that would allow to choose the transposition of the part without changing the conductor score. This way , it become easy to create all needed instruments pitch for all parts and the work is done
Thanks for your answer and another congratulation for your great software

Ps: excuse for my poor english , i'm french ;-)


Welcome and thank you Michel.
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I don't have a perfect solution for your issue but I know that other people are solving it as follow.

Create a conductor with Ut, Bb and Eb for the first "part", Ut,Bb,Eb,F for the second part etc... hide the non Ut staves in Edit > Instruments. Compose your conductor in C. When done, unhide the staves, select the whole first C staff and copy it on staves Bb and Eb. Do the same for the second part. When it's done, generate the linked parts. You will have all of them.
When you need to do a modification, do it in the C staff, copy paste the whole staff again etc... It should be less error prone.

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