staff names & the staff properties dialog

• Feb 20, 2011 - 18:31

After creating score with many instruments, I often find I want to edit the names for each staff. Eg, in a big band, I don't four parts labeled "Bb Trumpet"; I want "Trumpet 1", "Trumpet 2", "Trumpet 3", and "Trumpet 4". Currently, this is rather laborious, as you have to repeat the entire process (select measure, right click, select staff properties, edit name, hit OK). It would be a huge time saver when creating new custom scores to add next/previous staff buttons to the staff properties dialog - or maybe a drop down.

Also, it seems to b a pretty common thing for people to not be able to figure out how to edit/delete an instrument name. I understand why things are the way they are, but I wonder, would it be possible for right clicking an instrument name to display a context-sensitive menu that includes staff properties? What abut having double-click on a staff name display staff properties directly?

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