Musecore 2 missing soundfronts on OSX 10.9.5

• Jan 15, 2016 - 04:38

So, I'm a music student and yesterday, upon starting up musescore, I found that the sound wasn't working in app. So, I've re-downloaded it a couple... (like 10) times, and I checked the application folders, only to find that the soundfront folder is empty. What do I do? Where can I download the sounds? I have until the 28th of January to get it fixed. I don't have the money for siballius.


Have you had a system update of some kind?

I would first try doing a Factory reset.......

If this doesn't work then the latest version of the SF2 soundfont version is always available from the Soundfont Forum.......

You can also get the SF3 version if bandwidth is an issue, but be aware it is always behind the SF2 development version.

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