Help needed to install MuseScore in Fedora (7)

• Feb 9, 2009 - 20:04


I would appreciate if any expert could give advice about how to install MuseScore in Fedora 7.

I've tried searching "Fedora" in this site, but the matches didn't help me. Also read the "Compile instructions (Ubuntu)" page. And yum installer doesn't find mscore package, nor Fedora accepts apt-get.

I guess the process is similar to the one described in "Compile instructions (Ubuntu)" page, but I'd like to know the dependencies, that is, which programs and utilities should I install before trying to configure/make/install the MuseScore source (better if all of them, or major part, were in the Fedora repositories)

I'd prefer to install in Fedora than in WinXp, as I am trying to abandon this last S.O.

Thanks in advance.

P.D. I am a Sibelius 1.4 user under WinXP (yep, old version, but it's enough for me!). Hope MuseScore could replace that excellent program and help me to change to Linux definitely.


In reply to by llauro

Well, it's just to say that I tried to make the rpm package for fc7 using the spec file given by lasconic.
Some dependencies are not able for fc7 but there are package for fc8, so I've been trying to install those first. The problem is than the last one package cannot be installed in fc7.
As I am now in exams, I will delay the trial one month or so.
If I am able to mek the rpm package for fc7 and it works, I will announce here.
Thanks for the help.

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