Can I insert images into a score?

• Feb 28, 2011 - 00:24

So I'm creating a portfolio for a project based around one of the pieces I recently wrote, and I have this vision for a cover which is an image with the music going over it so the image is still visible, but is being overlapped by the notes and what not. I have thoroughly looked through the forums and handbook to see if anything relates to this and I was unable to find anything. So if this is possible I would be very happy to know, if not I would reccomend a feature along this line in the future of musescore.

I'd also like to take the time to thank the entire musescore team. I've tried demo's of music notation software that one would have to pay for, and when i say pay i mean A LOT! And this software I have found is the most user friendly and easy to use. So, Thank you!


You can insert images into a score by dragging them from where they are and dropping them into MuseScore, but I don't think you can make it be behind the music like you want. It would instead be on top of the music, and the notes, staves, etc. would not show through. The image would sit on "top" of what you created in MuseScore.

I think you can get this, but you're going to have to go about it in the opposite direction. You can save what you've created in MuseScore as a png graphic file. Then take that graphic file and put it in a graphic editing program like Photoshop (if you have it) or GIMP. I use GIMP because it's free. Put the music png into GIMP, convert it to a gif, then set everything but your music (which should be in black) to transparent. Then drop your logo into the window, move it to the back, and you should have your MuseScore music on top of it. Click and drag them around the way you want them, and that should do it.

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