Why does "undo" sometimes reset voice selection?

• Mar 11, 2011 - 01:00

version 1.0
revision 3996
windows xp

Here's my typical scenario:

- switch to voice-2 (Ctrl+I,Ctrl+2)
- enter note -- oh darn, I made a mistake; I really wanted that note to be a different duration
- "undo" (Ctrl+Z) ... good; I see the note is gone, but wait a minute -- why is that line blue? I think the undo reset me back to voice-1
- enter note with different duration --- ugh ... yes it changed the note in voice-1 *sigh*


Yeah, it does that to me, too. Sometimes it can be pretty annoying. I think (just a guess) that MuseScore does this because it sees the voice change and subsequent note entry as one command, and thus, when you undo, it undoes the whole command. I think the voice change should be written in the code as one command, and the subsequent note entry as a second command. That would probably solve the issue.

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