Navigator improvements

• Mar 18, 2011 - 15:14

I've seen a feature request asking for a page number display on each page in the navigator window, and I agree with this. I would take this request one step further. I've seen people asking about scroll bars for the score display, but I would think that a scroll bar for the navigator display would be even better, esp for the very large scores. I find MuseScore navigation very difficult when dealing with scores where you need to scroll the navigator window sideways for many pages. Yes, I can use page up/down, end/home etc, but this would be a mouse/trackpad way to deal with large scores.

The ability to Jump to Page, Jump to Bar# would be added benefits for navigation. Maybe even having something called quick-jump markers where you can set markers at specific points in the score so you can use a key combo to quick-jump to them.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hmm, "Search" under the Edit menu, and I get a "Go To: " bar. The menu name doesn't make sense for what it does. I'm not searching for a bar number, but going to (or jumping to) a bar number. Also, what is the pull-down arrow beside the entry box for?

It might be helpful for some to allow going to pages instead, so how about a radio button "(o) Bar # ( ) Page #" beside the entry box?

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