Special characters in Mac

• Mar 19, 2011 - 14:13

Accented letters and special characters such as the German double "s" (ß) and others can usually be inserted on a Macintosh computer with the use of the option key. For instance, if you want an "a" with in umlaut (2 dots) over it (ä), ordinarily you would press Option-U and then hit the "a" key. The German double "s" is Option-S.

This doesn't work properly in MuseScore. With Musescore the "a" gets repeated and you end up with "äa". You can delete the second "a" but it is inconvenient and also, one tends to forget so typos creep in. (The second a doesn't show up until you type in another letter, so it looks as if it is working until you continue typing—which is confusing.)

The German double "s" character (ß) can't be typed in at all. The work-around I have developed is to type it in Mac's Text Edit, copyi it, and paste it into the MuseScore file I am working on.

I don't know how difficult this would be to change, but it would be really great to get it fixed.

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