Problems with a 13/16 Time Signature

• Mar 20, 2011 - 00:38

I am typesetting a fragment of a piano score - "Firth of Fifth" by Tony Banks of Genesis
which I found on the web at

Measure number 4 has a 13/16 Time Signature which I created. You will see that despite
the measure correctly containing 13 16th notes, Musescore has included a rest.
I can't get rid of this rest!

A comment on the Musescore handboook as well. When creating a new time signature, I thought
the palette on the main window of the program would be updated but it isn't. I noticed that after I enter the
command T - I enter the new time signature, click Add and it appears on the graphic on the Time Signature paletter.
As a result of my experimenting I now have 3 instances of a 13/16 time sig but can't delete the extras.

I run Musescore 1.0 on Windows XP.


Attachment Size
Firth of Fifth.mscz 2.57 KB


My suggestion about updating the handbook was that after you create a time signature in the Time Signature window, you drag the newly created time sige from this window. It wont be created on the main palette.

You can delete the created time signature with a right click -> delete content in the time signature dialog.

I tried to reproduce from scratch but I didn't manage. See file attached.

Attachment Size
Firth.mscz 2.54 KB

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