Need help improving The Wedding Song - Kenny G

• Feb 22, 2016 - 12:54

Hi All,

I was trying to help prepare an easy piece for my beginner son to play clarinet.

I don't and can't play any musical instrument, can't read score too. Basically I learned MuseScore by hard, search forum, internet and gone through some hurdles with workarounds.

No matter what I do, I just can't get the feeling of this song right.

Can someone check it out and help make it a little more similar feel as the original please?

Thanks in advance.


Attachment Size
The_Wedding_Song.mscz 21.3 KB


The feeling comes from the person playing it and the printed notes are a guide rather than an exact formula. As with many slower pieces, a computer won't play it back with anything like the feeling of a musician (special or research programs aside). The computer won't play back faster pieces with feeling, either, but you won't notice it so much.

Welcome aboard...

While it is true that a computer can not perform with 'feeling' - you can change your instrument sounds to alter the 'mood'.
While I'm not familiar with the original recording of this song, I have heard Kenny G.

Assuming you are using the default FluidR3Mono_GM soundfont, have a listen to my attachment.
(BTW: I changed one note of the second violin in measure 45 - that natural sign was removed from the E note to avoid a dissonance with the other instruments.)

For any score, different sounds can be selected using the Mixer (keyboard shortcut is F10). Compare the Mixer settings of the two versions. You have piano chosen as the sound for the melody in your version - definitely not a Kenny G instrument.

Furthermore, for your information, different soundfonts can be installed if you find the instrument samples more to your liking.


Attachment Size
The_Wedding_Song2.mscz 21.27 KB

In reply to by Jm6stringer


Thank you so much for your advice. Yes I am using FluidR3Mono_GM, after your advice, I downloaded Yamaha Acoustic Grand Piano to play the piano part and clarinet from FluidR3 to play the melody and they sounded really good. I also lowered the volume of the violin so that they are not over covering the main sound.

Now my son can use this to listen and then turn off the melody to play along. Awesome.



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