kartikay.kumar.944's blog

GSOC 2020: Tree Model - Week 2 (Tree model nearly complete!)

4 years ago • 0 comments

Hello again!

Here’s what I did last week:

Last time I had planned that I will be adding most of the elements to the score tree model. So to do that first I needed to make a complete hierarchy of all the elements.

So, I went through all the scanElement functions in the libmscore/ folder and made a rough diagram of what all elements they pass through.

Here is the diagram:


The green lines in the diagram show an

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GSOC 2020: Tree Model - Week 1

4 years ago • 0 comments

Hello guys! Time for another blog ...

This week, I had an interesting talk with Marc Sabatella, MuseScore Director of Education. He had invited me to his weekly series on YouTube called MuseScore Café, in which I talked about my project. It was a nice experience for me, and I am quite thankful to Marc for inviting me to MuseScore Café. :-)

MuseScore Café

MuseScore Café

After this I had some discussion with my mentor, and we finally decided that we will

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Week 0: Start of the coding period

4 years ago • 1 comment

Me and my mentor had a video call and discussed the possible approaches in which we could do this tree model refactoring. We identified three different ways, which I’ll explain next:

Approach 1 - Using the setParent() function to populate a children vector in parent object

The objects of class Element already have a function parent() and setParent(), which means that already the parent element exists for each element. So it means we already have the whole tree structure, but

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GSoC 2020 (Project Introduction): Tree Model Refactoring for libmscore

4 years ago • 2 comments

Hello! I’m Kumar Kartikay, an undergrad computer science student from NIT Hamirpur, India. I have been selected this year in Google Summer of Code to work with MuseScore. I’m going to be working on a project involving refactoring of code in libmscore, which is the part of the code that handles most of the MuseScore internals, like the Score and the notes in it.

Here is a diagram of the current code structure in libmscore (click to open full sized

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