GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Week 6

Posted 6 years ago


I seem to be a bit late with my post (well, I am definitely late) but I have a good news for now. After six weeks of work I could finally post a pull request with the proposed changes to MSCX fileformat. The list of changes itself can be found here. I am not sure whether this work was done fast enough or not, and I am sure that the issued pull request will require some more adjustments and more time but getting something more or less finished and working after such a period of time still encourages me. Anyway I have a lot of work to do on the project so I won't be idle while issues with pull request move on :)

Concerning things I have done last week, it was reworking again linked elements storage system, converting test scores from mtest, during that process finding some bugs, both related to my changes and not, and fixing them to get the result working. Not that it became perfect — there are still some issues listed in the pull request description, but something working is probably present.

Next (well, this) week I will finally start the work on MuseScore-specific score comparison tool — if the issues with pull request will not occupy me completely.

Thanks for your attention!
Dmitri Ovodok