
Issue Copy-paste sextuplets/octuplets and their removal leads to corruption
Issue [MusicXML import] use lyric number as relative instead of as absolute line number
Issue Regression 2.2: File with MMRest and vertical frame created in 2.1 doesn't display correctly in 2.2
Issue Repeats, Jumps and Volta follow-up
Issue Active Drum input palette won't close if more than one file open
Issue Active Drum input palette won't close if more than one file open
Issue Copy-paste sextuplets/octuplets and their removal leads to corruption
Issue Tremolos between notes corrupted on part creation
Issue Tremolos between notes corrupted on part creation
Issue Opening Piano Roll Editor causes crash
Issue Ignore accents when searching instruments
Issue Ignore accents when searching instruments
Issue may crash before splash screen on 2.1, 2.2, or master with Qt 5.10 due to diverged copy-and-pasted QPaintEnginePrivate header file
Issue may crash before splash screen on 2.1, 2.2, or master with Qt 5.10 due to diverged copy-and-pasted QPaintEnginePrivate header file
Issue Embed MP3 support by default
Issue Adding notes to a staff with hidden empty staves nearby
Issue Adding notes to a staff with hidden empty staves nearby
Issue Change both "Drumroll Editor" and "Pianoroll Editor" to "Piano Roll Editor"
Issue Change both "Drumroll Editor" and "Pianoroll Editor" to "Piano Roll Editor"
Issue Embed MP3 support by default
Issue [MusicXML import] Crash on XML Import caused by duplicate clef definition in multi-part file with late time signature
Issue [MusicXML import] Crash on XML Import caused by duplicate clef definition in multi-part file with late time signature
Issue Cannot use the mouse to enter notes on a staff with invisible lines
Issue Cannot use the mouse to enter notes on a staff with invisible lines
Issue The figured bass crashes if first the selected measure is empty
Issue To show selected notes on the "piano" control
Issue To show selected notes on the "piano" control
Issue The last entered extra bass in lutes > to 7 courses is shown when launching the playback
Issue The last entered extra bass in lutes > to 7 courses is shown when launching the playback
Issue Create a tuplet on a selected mmrest leads to corruption