arjuntaneja79's blog

GSoC 2021 - Work Product - Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 0 comments

This page contains all the changes made to MuseScore’s source code, completed under the project Improving Accessibility for the Visually Impaired. The project was part of Google Summer of Code 2021.

More information about the project is available at the following locations:

Code Changes:

My work for GSoC’21 was mainly divided between three GitHub Pull Requests, i.e. PR#8280 - High-Contrast Overhaul, PR#8806 -

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GSoC 2021 - Week-8 and 9: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 0 comments

Well hello there!
Haven't seen that face for a while now. This is a combination blog post for both week-8 and week-9. I got really busy last week trying to get stuff done. That really isn't an excuse to not take a little time out to finish the weekly blog, but here we are...
I only managed to get away with not writing a blog in the first place because the team is SUUPER busy getting the core implementations sorted.

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GSoC 2021 - Week-7: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 1 comment

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. :)

I spent most of this week completing the Navigation Control Border issue assigned to me on GitHub. The borders around highlighted elements were drawn on the inside of the element. This interfered with the new High Contrast Black and High Contrast White themes, inside which elements are also drawn with borders on the inside.

To fix this, I added the following snippet of code to the background rectangles of

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GSoC 2021 - Week-6: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 1 comment

Progress at Last!

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.
I am getting closer and closer to finishing the project assigned to me, and this week marks the (almost) completion of the new design for the accessibility features.
I have embed a short YouTube video in which I use the High-Contrast themes along with other buttons and features that have been changed/added.

I have also managed to find a workaround to the "Changes not showing up" problem

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GSoC 2021 - Week-5: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 4 comments

The One with the Rut

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. This week's post is going to be a very short one, since I am still in the process of completing what i listed in the previous week's post.

I spent most of this week finishing up the new design. I am done with merging the new PR's and incorporating their changes into my code.
I have also added borders to new QML elements and also

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GSoC 2021 - Week-4: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 2 comments

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.

This week brought around a re-work of the UI for Accessibility settings. The core functionality of the features is retained, with changes being introduced on how these functionalities are presented to the user. This means that some pieces of code need to be plucked and put into other files, and some of the other pieces will inevitably go to waste.
The new design calls for the settings to be placed

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GSoC 2021 - Week-3: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

3 years ago • 0 comments

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.
This week has been a rollercoaster in terms of the progress made, and the steps and efforts it took to get to said progress. Without further ado, let's get into it!

The Good

I have made more visual modifications to the High-Contrast mode. High-Contrast Black and High-Contrast White modes now have borders around most of the interactive buttons in the MuseScore UI. The

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GSoC 2021 - Week-2: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

3 years ago • 1 comment

I hope you're doing well and staying safe in these testing times.
This is the 3rd blog post, revolving around the progress I've made in the 2nd week of the Coding Period of Google Summer of Code 2021.

Progress was a little slow this week in my opinion, but I did manage to get a few things done.


I was able to fix almost everything that was going wrong in the commit I made in the previous week.

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GSoC 2021 - Week-1: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

3 years ago • 1 comment

This is the first week of Google Summer of Code’s Coding Period, and the second blog post about my Project “Improving Accessibility for the Visually Impaired”

I spent most of this week tinkering with MuseScore’s codebase and figuring out how it handles themes in general. I was able to find the appropriate files and make a few changes according to the design given to me by my mentors (Peter Jonas and Martin Keary).

Previous Settings:


New Settings:

I first

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GSoC 2021: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

3 years ago • 0 comments

My name is Arjun Taneja, and I’m delighted to say that I’ve been selected by the MuseScore team to work under their guidance in this year’s Google Summer of Code. It is my first time contributing to an open-source project (let alone, one of this scale), and it is sure to be an enlightening journey!

As the title suggests, my project revolves around making improvements to MuseScore’s design that will attempt to break down the barriers holding back a

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