divya-urs's blog

GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 3

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I worked on palette navigation. I have implemented most of the functionality, but the design has not been finalized yet, so there could be changes. Feedback on the design is welcome.

Key accomplishments:

  • Fixed the selection of next palette element so that there is no delay:
    The delay was because the palette was not getting updated after the selection. Calling the function update() solved this problem.

  • Completed selection of previous palette element

  • Added a shortcut command to

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 2

7 years ago • 2 comments

This week, I have completed the navigation commands, and have started working on palette navigation.
I'd like to thank everyone who provided feedback on which approach to use to make the palettes keyboard accessible. Adding keyboard shortcuts for every palette symbol did not seem feasible, so the other approach which uses the palette search and palette navigation will be implemented.

Key accomplishments

Completed next-element and prev-element commands:

I removed some remaining bugs from the navigation commands next-element and prev-element.

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 1

7 years ago • 4 comments


I have been working on navigation commands to get to the next element and previous element of the score.
Below, I have written the key tasks I have completed, some tasks that stalled and the plan for next week.

Key accomplishments so far

I have been working on two navigation commands, next element and previous element. These commands select the next or previous element of the score. Elements like fingering and other note attached elements, articulation, lyrics, annotations and

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility

7 years ago • 2 comments

Hello everyone! I am Divya Raghunathan. I have been selected to work on improving the accessibility in MuseScore for visually impaired musicians as part of Google Summer of Code 2017.

The goal of the project is to improve keyboard accessibility so that visually impaired users can use MuseScore for score creation as well as score reading. Particularly, the aim is to make score editing possible through the use of keyboard only, eliminating the need for the mouse. This will allow

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