MuseScore Studio 4.5 is now available!
We are delighted to announce the release of MuseScore Studio 4.5!
This version is packed with new features, including:
- Speedy input of dynamics
- New popup and shortcuts make it possible to enter and swap dynamics without ever moving away from the score
- New percussion input panel
- A fully accessible, modern 'drum pad' layout, with faster note input, and seamless integration with MuseSounds percussion libraries
- New features for ex-Finale composers
- Workflow updates that will feel familiar to Finale users, including a new ‘input by duration’ mode, the ability to move measures between systems, and copy+paste by dragging
- New engraving features
- Large time signatures, l.v. ties, text masking through barlines, and automatic placement of partial ties, courtesy clefs, key signatures, and time signatures at repeats and jumps (something no other notation app does)
The update also brings a fresh logo and branding for MuseScore Studio.
Watch the release video
How to get the update
I’m new to MuseScore Studio 4
Head over to the Download page to see the available options:
- Windows & macOS
- For now, use the option to download MuseScore Studio without MuseHub.
- You'll need to download MuseHub separately if you want to use MuseSounds.
- Linux
- The main download option will just give you MuseScore Studio. Ubuntu users please note that this update requires at least Ubuntu 22.04.
- You’ll also need to download and install MuseSounds Manager if you want to use MuseSounds.
You can find additional builds on our GitHub Releases page, including a portable Windows EXE.
I already have MuseScore Studio (version 4 onwards)
Users on Windows and macOS will soon receive a notification about the update within MuseScore Studio or within MuseHub.
If you don't want to wait, you can install the new version manually without MuseHub (see above).
Linux users must update manually. Ubuntu users, please note that this update requires at least Ubuntu 22.04.
New features in this release
This update introduces major workflow improvements, a brand new percussion input panel, and significant new engraving features.
See Engraving improvements in MuseScore Studio 4.5. Highlights include:
- Large time signatures
- Laissez-vibrer (l.v.) ties
- System locks (force measures to appear on a particular system, prevent reflow)
- System markings: control which staves tempos and other markings appear on via the 'Layout' panel (formerly 'Instruments')
- Automatic creation of partial ties and courtesy clefs, key, and time signatures at repeats and jumps
- Options to extend slurs and lyric extension lines over repeats and jumps
- Automatic masking around text and dynamics when they overlap barlines
- More style options for multi-measure rests
- All text items are now anchorable at any rhythmic position
- Improved horizontal spacing and lyric spacing
- Various fixes for local time signatures
- All-new percussion panel with 8 columns of input pads (now fully accessible; replaces the old drumset panel)
- Improved percussion note input: notes are now always entered at the cursor position, and can be input at any available stave position with the mouse
- Ability to customize the layout of the percussion panel
- Keyboard shortcuts and MIDI pitches are displayed on the percussion pads (keyboard shortcuts can also be assigned using any key)
- New Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments (replaces the generic Percussion instrument and the Percussion Synthesizer) with full mapping for Muse Percussion (MuseSounds)
- Minor changes to various percussion instruments
- New 'input by duration' mode
- General refinements to note input: improved discoverability, relocation of legacy modes, and a new option to set accidentals, augmentation dots, and articulations to apply to either the next or previous note entered
- New rapid entry system for dynamic markings, including in-score popup, dedicated keyboard shortcut, type-to-enter dynamic markings, and option to draw hairpins from dynamic markings
- Click and drag a range selection to move it to a different staff, measure, or beat; hold Alt/Option while dragging to copy the material
- Copying and pasting multiple individual elements together is now more reliable and preserves the relative positions of the elements (and other improvements to copying and pasting)
- Improved selection behaviour
- Option to input MIDI as written or sounding pitch for transposing instruments
- The playback speed control is now also available by clicking the tempo indicator in the playback toolbar (without needing to undock the playback toolbar)
- New 'History' panel available in the 'View' menu
- Improved "let ring" playback for guitar with MuseSounds
- Support for l.v. ties for MS Basic, VST (limited) and MuseSounds (Muse Keys, and Muse Guitars Vols. 1 and 2, with other libraries coming soon)
- Muse Percussion sounds for Mixed Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments
- Numerous fixes for tied notes
- SVG: page size is now measured in millimetres instead of pixels
- MEI: support for voice assignment of dynamics, staff line color, harp pedal diagrams & MuseScore element IDs
- MusicXML: various fixes and improvements
- Style files for various sizes of Modified Stave Notation (MSN) are included with the program (courtesy of RNIB)
- Convenient shortcut to built-in styles available via Format > Load styles on Windows and macOS
- New app icon and splash screen
- Fixed various crashes and corruptions
See our GitHub Project for more details.
...and there's a new handbook!
Our new handbook on GitBook contains details of how to use the new features in MuseScore Studio 4.5.
The new handbook is currently only available in English, but we will make it available in other languages soon. Links to old handbook pages will be gradually updated to point to the new handbook.
Bravo !!!
In reply to Bravo !!! by gondardgeorge
Mais alguém aí não está conseguindo abrir o musescore 4.5 no Mac???
One way I think percussion customization could be improved is by implementing hidden drum pads for every available sound, which can be enabled to add that drum to the current kit. Customization could then be used to create additional drum pads for percussion instruments not already included in that system. This would be most practical with a drum kit utilizing full GM mapping.
This could be further improved in a future MuseScore version by allowing multiple percussion libraries in one staff, allowing this system to work with specialty instruments from other libraries.
Just fired up 4.5 for the first time and want to thank you for preserving user shortcuts, palettes and other personalized settings with each upgrade.
Love the upgrade and appreciate all of your hard work. The release videos were helpful and well done.
fyi, using appImage with Linux Mint.
I'm glad to see the update about muse. At present, my system version is mac os14.7.2. In the process of using it, it shows that there is a missing file to load the plug-in at the beginning, and the same is true for repeated operations. Finally, I choose not to use the tone plug-in section. And since version 4.3, it is impossible to search when using Chinese to create a new interface for the first score to select musical instruments, but English can be used normally. This situation has been feedback before, but no one has responded. I hope it can be solved one day.
Version 4.5 on my new Chromebook plus would open and I could open existing scores but it wouldn't open a new score. It would crash every time I tried to do this. Restarted a bunch of times to no avail. I have gone back to version 4.4
In reply to Version 4.5 on my new… by iankeithsteph
Doesn’t occur on Mac.
Please for the next update fix the tremolo bar notation automatically turning on auto-place whenever the user exits the score.
In reply to Please for the next update… by GameSwitcher
Sounds like this issue, right?
In reply to Sounds like this issue,… by krasko78
Yes exactly! How do I apply this bug fix to my computer? All there is in the solution are the lines of code.
In reply to Yes exactly! How do I apply… by GameSwitcher
You can't yet. I checked to see if your issue had been reported in GitHub already and found it. I have submitted the fix given by the user for review but it has to be approved, tested and merged first and then you will either be able to download a nightly build to get the fix or wait for the next official release of MuseScore 4.5.1. How to get a nightly build:…
In reply to You can't yet. I checked to… by krasko78
The nightly builds currently are only for 4.6 though as far as I can tell, there's no 4.5.1 branch yet.
In reply to The nightly builds currently… by Jojo-Schmitz
The names say 4.5.0:;…
In reply to The names say 4.5.0: https:/… by krasko78
As I said. 4.5.1 doesn't exist yet, and the nightly builds of 4.5.0 have just forgotten to get switched off and build the same thing time and time again.
In reply to As I said. 4.5.1 doesn't… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah, I see.
Would there be any way to switch to the old percussion input panel, or change the size of the pads on the new one? As-is, on my 1920x1080 monitor the panel makes the whole UI feel a little claustrophobic any time I have it open - I can resize it vertically, but then I need to scroll to access everything, or I could undock it and shrink it as much as I can into the corner, but it's still fairly large.
In reply to Would there be any way to… by Seth Gibbs
Edit -> Preferences -> Percussion -> toggle "Use legacy percussion panel" on.
Is there a way to revert to the previous version of musescore? The drum system specifically is a buggy mess especially with rehearsal marks, they're unusuable. I regret updating.
In reply to Is there a way to revert to… by Christian_Lucy
Uninstall and re-install. You may have to do some additional cleaning up after the uninstall, but try a normal uninstall from the Control Panel first.
No, you won't lose your scores. If any of them are in the default location (Edit / Preferences / Folders / Scores), you might want to move them elsewhere, at least temporarily. You definitely want to know where they are ... because the new installation of whichever earlier version you install will not.
In reply to Uninstall and re-install… by TheHutch
However, if you saved your scores in 4.5, you can't open them in 4.4 anymore.
It seems that the (only?) way to open 4.5 scores in earlier 4x versions is to remove the eid tags with a text editor. (and is not lossless potentially)
In reply to However, if you saved your… by graffesmusic
Or open in my 3.7, save and then open in 4.4...
Not lossless either but less dangerous
New percussion panel is something that very unuseful. It is really big torture to input notes. It covers almost half of the computer screen and screen slides to give place to this huge panel in every note input. Is it possible to use old style of percussion input without downgrading to musescore 4.4 ?
In reply to New percussion panel is… by Ugur_Milonga
Edit -> Preferences -> Percussion -> toggle "Use legacy percussion panel" on.
In reply to Edit -> Preferences ->… by krasko78
Your a life saver.
I dont know what happened, but with this new update I can no longer play a grace note on the same note with a tremolo, it just plays the tremolo and this is really frustrating as I arrange battery music and having the two play at the same time is essential for a ton of rudiments!
Now you ruined the metronome... When I don't input any note the metronome works normally, but after writing the first notes and play the music along the metronome, it reproduce an off time piano sound with the metronome woodblock sound which is so bad!! I have never had this issue with any other version. Need to work with metronome for many reasons, and this delay my work too, please help me to fix this problem, it doesn't let me attach the video i recorded
And now I figured out another worse stuff... Once you press escape or get out of the score, let's say you want to practice or just play your midi keyboard before entering notes, you can hear the instrument being played even if you quit it. That's so annoying and something it didn't happen in Musescore 4.4... that it only play the instrument from the software when you click on it and now even if you are not selecting it, it's still sounding with latency which is just worse... pff why do you release something before doing many tests in many areas ??? so annoying. Give me a solution please, I will have to downgrade to MS 4.4 so annoying
It has caused problems with:
1. Adding repeat bars
2. Finding the palettes
3. Finding the instrument list.
How do we revert to the previous edition?
LOVE the new popups and shortcuts for dynamics! Was one of the few things i was missing from Dorico AND you did it even better with the hairpins!. I'm very happy with the original note entry and most everything else about Musescore. More popups would be great though!
Okay, so now I can't input polyrythms because of the overlapping of the default voice of the note and the voice that I'm actually selecting.
Thanks Musescore.
In reply to Okay, so now I can't input… by BartoRomeo
Use Alt+Up or Alt+Down to move up and down between voices.
If the note in question is a chord, it will move the selection up or down through the chord. When it reaches the top or bottom note in the chord, it will move to the next voice up or down. When it reaches the top or bottom voice in a staff, it will move up or down to the next staff.