Jeu, 28 Novembre 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
07:02 |
Book |
Chord namemodifié |
David Bolton |
(diff) (hist) |
03:06 |
Book |
Repeatmodifié |
David Bolton |
(diff) (hist) |
02:55 |
Book |
Copy and pastemodifié |
David Bolton |
Sam, 9 Novembre 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
18:28 |
Book |
Voicesmodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Sam, 26 Octobre 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
17:16 |
Book |
Imagemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Mer, 1 Mai 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
17:38 |
Book |
Known incompatibilitiesmodifié |
Ven, 1 Mars 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
13:33 |
Book |
MuseScore product descriptionmodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Lun, 18 Février 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
08:20 |
Book |
Edit modemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Dim, 6 Janvier 2013 |
(diff) (hist) |
03:44 |
Book |
Textmodifié |
David Bolton |
Ven, 30 Novembre 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
01:12 |
Book |
Accidentalmodifié |
Fugles |
Sam, 27 Octobre 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
00:31 |
Book |
Tremolomodifié |
Odie |
I was not able to add tremolo to a note except according to the procedure that I am now adding to the handbook, namely right-clicking on the tremolo symbol while the note is selected. Montrer plusMontrer moins |
Lun, 17 Septembre 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
19:11 |
Book |
Voltamodifié |
Thomas |
Ven, 3 Août 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
07:46 |
Page |
MuseScore 1.0 is releasedmodifié |
Thomas |
Mer, 11 Juillet 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
02:36 |
Book |
Cross staff beamingmodifié |
ozcaveman |
Jeu, 28 Juin 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
09:41 |
How to |
Comment importer des partitions écrites dans "Overture"déplacé |
Sam, 23 Juin 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
03:18 |
How to |
Comment importer des partitions écrites dans "Overture"nouveau |
Papyjazz |
Mer, 20 Juin 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
09:24 |
How to |
Comment retirer les numéros de mesure sur la partition déplacé |
Mer, 16 Mai 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
11:34 |
Book |
Time signaturemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Mer, 9 Mai 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
19:08 |
How to |
Comment retirer les numéros de mesure sur la partition nouveau |
Kalays |
(diff) (hist) |
18:58 |
How to |
Comment transposer nouveau |
Kalays |
(diff) (hist) |
18:51 |
How to |
Comment utiliser MuseScore en tant qu'Administrateur sous Windows.nouveau |
Kalays |
Lun, 7 Mai 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
00:41 |
Book |
MuseScore product descriptionmodifié |
Marc Sabatella |
Lun, 23 Avril 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
15:56 |
Book |
Text stylemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Jeu, 19 Avril 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
09:08 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature entre deux notes de hauteur éloignéemodifié |
(diff) (hist) |
09:07 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature entre deux notes de hauteur éloignéemodifié |
(diff) (hist) |
09:01 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature entre deux notes de hauteur éloignéedéplacé |
(diff) (hist) |
08:57 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature par dessus un silence modifié |
Mer, 18 Avril 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
20:11 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature entre deux notes de hauteur éloignéenouveau |
Zynette |
(diff) (hist) |
20:02 |
How to |
Comment faire une ligature par dessus un silence nouveau |
Zynette |
Lun, 16 Avril 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
11:24 |
Book |
Text editingmodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:59 |
Book |
Play modemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:20 |
Book |
Linemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:06 |
Book |
Arpeggio & Glissandomodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Dim, 15 Avril 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
20:27 |
Book |
Tiemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
20:21 |
Book |
Grace notemodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
20:19 |
Book |
Undo and redomodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:46 |
Book |
Bracketmodifié |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Dim, 4 Mars 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
21:13 |
Book |
Getting startedmodifié |
Kris1012 |
Ven, 2 Mars 2012 |
(diff) (hist) |
13:37 |
Book |
Hairpinmodifié |
chen lung |
(diff) (hist) |
13:32 |
Book |
Bar linemodifié |
chen lung |
Mar, 31 Mai 2011 |
(diff) (hist) |
22:32 |
Book |
Basicsdéplacé |
Thomas |
Lun, 4 Avril 2011 |
(diff) (hist) |
00:28 |
Book |
Key signaturemodifié |
David Bolton |
Ven, 25 Février 2011 |
(diff) (hist) |
05:04 |
Book |
Clefmodifié |
David Bolton |
Removed the information about dragging clefs from other parts of the score to change it (it doesn't appear to work in MuseScore 1.0) Montrer plusMontrer moins |
Dim, 18 Avril 2010 |
(diff) (hist) |
05:38 |
Book |
Breath and pausemodifié |
David Bolton |
Dim, 23 Novembre 2008 |
(diff) (hist) |
19:02 |
Book |
Notationmodifié |
Xosé |
Lun, 3 Novembre 2008 |
(diff) (hist) |
23:07 |
Book |
Sound and playbackmis à jour |
Thomas |