Update tacets, playbacks,

• 13 Okt 2020 - 10:18

Hi, as a composer I love using musescore and the versions are getting better and better.

However, I am struggling with some things and have some ideas and points for an update/upgrade.

1). I cannot find any options to "playback" an tacet for the 1st or 2st time etc. Could you please make this happen? There is no other way yet i believe.

2) I would like to have a "logo" option. I'm using "insert pictures, and copy paste" now. But it's changing all the time in the scores (size, width, place).

3) Is there a way to put a programmed "ritenuto" in a score? Where you not have to change the tempo seperately per measure, but can put it in directly with the ritenuto divided over measure(s).

A feedback soon will be appreciated! Thank you and I'll hope you have all the answers i need.

Yours sincerely,

Rick IJspeerd


1) It is in the works (but slowly, as a volunteer effort).
If not for live-score playback, but for audio export, you can make use of the Tool to Unroll the Repeats, which creates a new score (not linked to the first) in which all repeats and jumps have been fully written out., Then you can silence relevant notes in there and use that to export audio.

2) I'm not yet seeing how such an option would/should/could differ from the current option of inserting an image? If this is giving you issues, feel free to open up a new topic and attach a specific example. Perhaps there is a better way to achieve your desired end result.

3) Yesn't. We hope to one day include a real rit element. Until then, there is the TempoChanges plugin which automates the current processes for you: https://musescore.org/en/project/tempochanges

Als antwoord op van jeetee

Thanks for helping me out! The "unroll repeats" tool is a little more work, but does the job. For the image part, it's also more work but not impossible. Therefore hoped of a quicker way to setup my layout of a score. Same thing for the tempochanges :)

Everything is possible in the end, but you have to know your way into the tips and tricks. However, a shortcut in the future would be fantastic. Thanks anyway.

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