This page is an administration page intended for the editing community only. Click this link to go to the handbook front page intended for public viewing.
MuseScore позволяет вам вводить ноты с помощью любого из четырех устройств ввода: клавиатуры компьютера, мыши, MIDI-клавиатуры или клавиатуры виртуального пианино. Режим ввода по умолчанию это Пошаговый ввод, в котором ноты или паузы вводятся по одной в каждый момент времени. Однако, также доступны другие режимы ввода .
После выхода из Мастера новой партитуры, ваша новая партитура будет состоять из последовательности тактов, заполненных целыми паузами:
По мере ввода нот в такт, целые паузы заменяются соответствующими по длительности для того, чтобы заполнить остаток такта:
Ноты разной длительности, начинающиеся в одной доле, вводятся с помощью голосов:
Эта секция знакомит вас с основами ввода нот и пауз в режиме Пошаговый ввод с помощью клавиатуры компьютера. Рекомендуется, чтобы вы проработали урок "Getting Started: An introduction to note entry in MuseScore". Он доступен из Быстрого старта.
Выберите начальную позицию для ноты, щелкнув по ноте или выбрав такт с помощью мыши. Если вы не выберете начальную точку, то курсор автоматически установится на начало партитуры, когда вы войдете в режим Ввод нот ("Шаг 2" ниже).
Чтобы войти в режим Ввод нот , воспользуйтесь одним из следующих способов:
Из режима Ввод нот можно выйти одним из следующих способов:
Когда вы находитесь в режиме Ввод нот , выберите длительность ноты одним из способов:
Этот способ ввода также работает, если вы даже не входили в режим ввода нот, но у вас выбрана нота или пауза, или же это только что созданная партитура (в этом случае режим ввода нот установлен по умолчанию).
Следующие сочетания клавиш используются чтобы выбрать длительность ноты или паузы в режиме Ввод нот:
См. также: мультиоли.
Партитура может вводиться с помощью:
Этот раздел дополняет раздел "Основные способы ввода нот" (см. выше) и знакомит вас с полным спектром команд, доступных для ввода нот и пауз с клавиатуры компьютера.
Вы можете вводить ноту набором соответствующей буквы на клавиатуре. Так, после входа в режим Ввод нот, введите: 5 C D E F G A B C.
Примечание: Когда вы вводите ноту с помощью клавиатуры, MuseScore помещает ее непосредственно сразу за предыдущей введенной нотой.
Чтобы ввести паузу, нажмите "0" (ноль). Например, после входа в режим Ввод нот, наберите: 5 C D 0 E.
Примечание: Длительность, выбранная на панели инструментов, применяется и к нотам, и к паузам.
Если вы хотите ввести ноту с точкой, нажмите . (точка) после выбора длительности.
Например, после входа в режим Ввод нот, наберите: 5 . C 4 D E F G A.
Если вы хотите ввести особый вид ритмического деления (например, триоль): см. Мультиоли.
Если вы хотите писать музыку с двумя и более одновременными мелодическими линиями на одном нотном стане, см. Голоса.
Чтобы поднять или опустить ноту на один полутон:
Чтобы поднять или опустить ноту диатонически:
Чтобы поднять или опустить ноту на октаву:
Когда нота поднимается или опускается с помощью стрелки (см. выше), любые требуемые знаки альтерации устанавливаются программой автоматически. Знаки альтерации также могут быть добавлены вручную — см. Знаки альтерации.
Если вы хотите добавить ноту аккорда выше ранее введенной:
Так, набрав C, D, Shift+F, Shift+A, E, F в результате вы получите:
Чтобы добавить ноту с определенным интервалом выше или ниже одной или более нот:
Примечание: Чтобы создать аккорды с различной длительностью составляющих их нот, вам надо использовать более одного голоса.
Обычно, когда вы вводите музыку в MuseScore, любые существующие ноты или паузы замещаются. Но есть несколько способов вставки нот:
Чтобы удалить одну ноту:
Чтобы удалить аккорд:
Команда удаления также может быть применена к выбранному диапазону нот/аккордов.
Список сочетаний клавиш, доступных в режиме ввода нот:
Вводить ноты мышью легко, но это не самый быстрый способ для ввода множества нот.
Примечание: Если, находясь в режиме ввода нот, вы наведете курсор на нотоносец, то будет показан предпросмотр ноты или паузы, которая будет добавлена.
Вы также можете добавлять ноты с помощью MIDI-клавиатуры.
режим ввода нот
Нота будет добавлена в партитуру.
Примечание: Способ ввода по умолчанию, Пошаговый ввод, дает вводить вам по одной ноте за раз. Но доступны и другие режимы ввода нот: см. Режимы ввода нот.
Если к вашему компьютеру подключено несколько MIDI-устройств, вы можете указать MuseScore, какое из них является MIDI-клавиатурой:
Вы также можете вводить ноты, используя виртуальную экранную клавиатуру пианино.
Метод ввода нот такой же, как и для MIDI-клавиатуры:
MuseScore предлагает несколько режимов ввода нот в дополнение к пошаговому вводу. Все они доступны по нажатию на кнопку с маленькой стрелкой рядом с кнопкой "N" на панели инструментов ввода нот:
В зависимости от мастерства исполнителя, некоторые ноты считаются выходящими за пределы диапазона конкретного инструмента. В целях информирования, MuseScore может окрашивать ноты в красный цвет, если они лежат вне диапазона "профессионального" музыканта, и в оливково-зеленый/темно-желтый вне диапазона "начинающего любителя." Цвета отображаются на экране компьютера, но не при распечатке.
Чтобы включить или выключить окрашивание нот и установить диапазоны "профессионала" и "любителя", см. Usable pitch range (Staff properties: all staves).
и используется только для уменьшения размера головки конкретной ноты; Такой же флажок в секции Аккорд
изменяет размер всего сразу - головки, штиля, вязки и флажка.По умолчанию, уменьшенный размер составляет 70% от нормального. Вы можете изменить эту установку в Формат → Стиль…→Размеры.
Версия 3.3.3 и выше
1. Убедитесь, что вы в обычном режиме.
2. Выберите одну или несколько нот/пауз, or note-stems/hooks. Примените сочетание клавиш для нужной длительности (перечислены выше), или щелкните соответствующую кнопку длительности на панели инструментов.
До версии 3.3.3
1. Убедитесь, что вы в обычном режиме.
2. Щелкните по ноте или паузе. Примените сочетание клавиш для нужной длительности (перечислены выше), или щелкните соответствующую кнопку длительности на панели инструментов.
Примечание: Увеличение длительности заменит (удалит) ноты и паузы, которые следуют за изменяемой нотой; уменьшение длительности добавит паузы между изменяемой нотой и последующими.
Например, чтобы заменить три шестнадцатых паузы на одну восьмую с точкой:
По мере увеличения длительности, это действие будет убирать заменяемые шестнадцатые .
Чтобы изменить высоту ноты:
1.Убедитесь, что вы не находитесь в режиме ввода нот и у вас не выделено никакой ноты.
2. Выберите желаемую ноту и воспользуйтесь одним из способов::
* Мышью перетащите головку ноты вверх или вниз;
* Нажмите стрелки на клавиатуре: ↑ (вверх) or ↓ (вниз);
* Напечатайте новую букву ноты (A…G). Если нужно, то используйте Ctrl+↓ or Ctrl+↑ чтобы изменить октаву (Mac: Cmd+↓ or Cmd+↑). Это действие автоматически включит режим ввода нот.
Чтобы изменить энгармоничное написание ноты, выберите ее и используйте команду J. Более детальную информацию см. в Знаки альтерации.
Чтобы изменить высоту нот в пассаже на постоянный интервал, вы можете использовать
To change the pitches of a passage of music to a different melody, while keeping the rhythm unchanged, use Re-pitch mode.
Если ваша нотная запись содержит множество неверных знаков альтерации, вы можете попробовать использовать команду Respell Pitches (см. Accidentals: Respell pitches).
Чтобы перенести одну или несколько нот в другой голос, см. Голоса.
Чтобы заменить ноту на паузу той же длительности:
Чтобы заменить ноту на паузу той же длительности:
To create a new score, open the New Score Wizard (see Create new score below): this can also be accessed via the Start Center.
This is the window that is displayed when you open MuseScore for the very first time:
To open the Start Center (if not already visible), use any of the following options:
To stop the Start Center from showing up when you open MuseScore:
From the Start Center you can:
To open the New Score Wizard when the Start Center is not open, use one of the following options:
This opens a step-by-step wizard:
Step 1: Enter score information.
Enter the title, composer or any other information as shown above, then click on Next >. This step is optional: you can also add this information after the score has been created (see Vertical frame).
Step 2: Choose template file.
In the left column is a list of pre-defined solo, ensemble and orchestral templates, divided into categories according to musical styles, and custom template.
To choose a pre-defined score template:
1 Browse or use the Search bar (top left) to find specific templates.
2 Click a score template name to select it.
3 Click either: Next > (or just double-click the score template name in the previous step), or Finish.
To choose a custom score template:
To add individual staffs (Musescore instruments):
Step 3: Choose key signature (and tempo).
Step 4: Choose time signature etc.
Here, you can set:
Click Finish to end the wizard and create your new score.
All settings you have made when you create a new score can be changed afterwards, browse the handbook, some relevant chapters:
Edit mode allows you to perform a wide range of editing operations on individual score elements, such as:
For lines, hairpins, slurs, note-stems, note-beams, and barlines, use one of the following methods:
For other elements, use one of the following methods:
Use one of the following methods:
To exit Edit mode use any of the following:
For text edit mode, see Text editing.
See Lines: Change length, and Adjust slur.
Sometimes it is necessary to shift a note to the right or left—to avoid a collision with another element or to override automatic notehead sharing for example:
Alternatively, you can select the notehead and change the "Horizontal offset" (under "Chord") in the Inspector.
Alternatively, you can select the stem and change the "Length Offset" (under "Stem") in the Inspector.
To reposition a note stem, you should select it and adjust the "X" or "Y" setting for the "Offset" under "Automatic placement" in the "Element" section of the Inspector.
In Edit mode the following keyboard commands can be used to change the position of either (1) a score element (e.g. ornament, accidental etc.) or (2) an adjustment handle (e.g. slur, line etc.):
The following commands only apply to adjustment handles:
To undo all edits, ensure you are not in edit mode and press Ctrl+R.
Using the Palettes Area is the recommended way to apply musical symbols and text to your score, second to keyboard shortcut.
MuseScore is shipped with predefined palettes that organize items by nature, click on hyperlink to jump to their main chapter.
All palettes can be unhide in any workspace (see below (jump to).) The current visibility setting and expand/collapse status palettes are automatically saved to the current in-use workspace profile. No further action is needed.
Palette contents can be edited, you can also create an empty custom palette and populate it, see below (jump to). Visit for palettes shared by other musicians.
Alternative ways to apply musical symbols and text:
The default position of the Palette Area is to the left of the document window. To view or hide it:
To undock the Palette area:
To re-attach the panel, double-click on the top bar again. See Side panels for more information.
Versions 3.4 or above
Versions prior to 3.4
If you are dragging a symbol to the score and decide you don't want to apply it, press Esc.
Tip: To prevent accidental rearrangement of contents during use, right-click a palette name and uncheck Enable Editing.
MuseScore does not offer keyboard shortcut bindings to palette items, but you can configure a shortcut to apply the same symbol multiple times consecutively to improve efficiency. Some users find this method handy when applying piano pedal marks. (N.B. piano pedal mark symbol is under Lines palette)
See also Dynamics actions, a MuseScore plugin that you can assign keyboard shortcut to add individual dynamics symbol.
Search by symbol name to locate a symbol without visually searching through palettes. All symbols are searched regardless of palettes' visible / hidden status and expand / collapse status.
Use the Search box at the top of the Palette Area. As you type, symbols and/or palettes with names matching your keystrokes are displayed below, updating continuously as your typed input changes.
To show all palettes, some of which may be temporarily hidden because it does not match the search string, click X in the search box.
Items added to the score can be copied, pasted, and duplicated: see Copy and paste.
If the symbol you are adding to the score from a palette contains or belongs to a Text element (e.g. staff text, dynamic, fingering, volta etc.), then properties such as font type, font size, text color and alignment will adapt according to the following rules:
By contrast, the line properties of Lines applied from a palette as is.
To hide a predefined palette:
To hide a custom palette you created:
Only custom palettes can be deleted, you can hide all palettes though.
Symbols may be added or deleted and layouts can be rearranged. (in version prior to 3.3, only new workspace is capable of customizations).
Before customizing a palette:
Score items, when added to a palette, are saved with their custom properties.
Note: Changing these values only affects the appearance of symbols within the palette. It does not change their sizes or offsets on the score page.
Items removed from predefined palettes are moved under More.
In custom palettes, the More button offers browsing predefined palettes ( Use < and > ) and adding their items ( Use drag-and-drop, or selecting and clicking Add to)
The following menu options may appear either by right-clicking the name of a palette or by clicking the ... to the right of the name:
Workspace is the visual settings, also known as graphical user interface (GUI), of the Musescore program itself. An analogy to the position of the pen, ruler etc on a composer's desk. It includes:
Note that the followings do not count as workspace:
Workspace presets are setting profiles for workspace, user can choose the options a preset contains so that only those options are loaded and saved when the preset is applied. There are two default presets: Basic and Advanced, you can create your own custom workspaces.
Use either one of the following methods:
To create a new preset:
To change what settings a preset contains, select View→Workspace→Edit. In versions prior to MuseScore 3.3, you must create a new preset and then edit it, you cannot edit the Basic preset or the Advanced preset, see Create new workspace preset.
Changes made to the current workspace are automatically saved to the current preset, no further action is required, see Edit the workspace below.
Any changes you make to the current workspace are automatically saved to the current preset, no further action is required.
See the main chapter Viewing and navigation, these are some popular ways:
Each preset is saved as a separate file under:
(actually %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore3
)~/Library/Application\ Support/MuseScore/MuseScore3/
.The Inspector shows layout and playback properties of the selected objects.
When the current selection of objects consist of several different object types, the Inspector shows and allows adjustment of color, visibility, and automatic placement, see "Element" section. Press any of Notes, Grace Notes, Rests buttons at the bottom to to narrow to that object type only, as shown in image below. See also "Select all similar" and "Selection Filter" sections in the Selection modes chapter.
When multiple objects are selected, if a single property has diverse values for each object, that particular property is displayed in the color blue.
The Inspector appears by default on the right. To show or hide it:
Click the double-chevron symbol or double-click the top bar of the panel. To re-attach the panel double-click on the top bar again. See also: Side panels.
Two buttons may be displayed to the right of a property:
Shown below is the Reset to style default button, it looks like an unclosed circular loop with a letter x inside
Shown below is the Set as style button, it looks like a bold capitalized S
Properties are conveniently listed under bold categories in the Inspector. For example, when barline(s) are selected, the following is displayed at the top:
For details of the various categories and their properties, see below:
All score elements—except frames, breaks and spacers—display this category in the Inspector when selected. The options are as follows:
This category is displayed only when you have selected a mixture of different types of elements, and allows editing of color, visibility, and automatic placement only.
This category allows you to make changes to selected notes (but for note position—see Element). It contains the following properties:
See Dynamics
See Text basics
See Tempo
This category appears differently according to the selection you have made:
This section is displayed in the Inspector when you select one or more note beams, and allows you to make fine adjustments to beam position and angle, and also change the spacing of beamed notes.
This section appears when you select a clef: the tick box allows you to turn on/off the display of a preceding courtesy clef.
This category appears when you select an articulation or ornament. The following options are available:
See Fretboard diagrams.
This category is displayed when a line is selected. Here, you can set various general properties.
This category is displayed when a line is selected. It allows you to set the wording of a line, edit text properties, set line hooks, and align the text in relation to the line.
Some object types have additional properties. These are accessed by right-clicking on the object and choosing a "... properties" option from the context menu. The settings available in these dialogs are explained in the description of the object type in Notation or Advanced topics.
This chapter discuss real world instruments and vocals, Musescore Instruments, score instrument setup and score template files.
An instrument in Musescore is an abstraction that contains,
A Musescore instrument contains staff(s) that can represent a single or multiple real world instrument(s), for example in Beethoven's Symphony No.3, Op.55 First edition published by Cianchettini & Sperati, n.d.[1809] London, the third staff Corni 1 & 2 in Eb represents two French horn players:
To transcribe this, add one Musescore instrument "Horn in Eb". Optionally rename it. Playback is not affected by naming.
The detailed relationship between Musescore Instrument and real world instrument (staff or tablature), instrument section, vocals, and choir:
Instruments supported by Musescore 3.6.2 (archived page December 2022). To suggest adding a missing instrument, see
Two ways to open this window to manage setup:
This window contains the following items:
The result of actions available in this window are explained in the list below, the steps to do each are shown under corresponding section headings later.
To manage instruments of "Drumset" Musescore instrument, see Drum notation
To add a new Musescore instrument to the score, use any of the following options:
The instrument names, and their associated staff lines, now appear in the list of instruments in the right column.
To add an editable staff to an existing instrument in the score:
To add a non-editable ready-only staff to an existing instrument in the score:
See also, Combine pitched staff with tablature.
To make an existing instrument soloist, or to undo it:
Edit Format→Style→Score (Style window: Score settings) and Staff / Part properties. Handbook 4 Showing staves only where needed chapter summaries different methods with use cases, the workflow in musescore 3 is similar.
Not to be confused with Staff / Part properties : staff type template
Score template can be used to quickly set up a new score with staffs and tablatures. A template file is a score file under certain directory that Musescore uses. You can create a score file from scratch and save it to that directory. You can also copy any existing .mscz file to that directory to use it as template.
Generally speaking, global settings are re-used when the new score is created, specific formatting settings on individual objects are not re-used.
There are two kinds of templates:
As of Musescore 3.6.2, a template contains the following information,
Check out the Score from Template plugin by parkingb which improves template function.
Click File > Save as and save the score file as .mscz format into the template directory Musescore uses. File name is used as the template name.
Not recommended to use this folder for custom templates
This folder contains the pre-defined templates. It can be found in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\templates
or C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 3\templates
(Actually %ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\templates
or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\templates
, respectively) ./usr/share/mscore-xxx
if you installed from the package manager. If you compiled MuseScore on Linux yourself, then look under /usr/local/share/mscore-xxx
(with xxx
being the version you are using)./Applications/MuseScore
.Custom template files must be stored here. The default directory of the custom templates folder is as follows (The folder name "Templates" varies with the language version of Musescore installed):
.To configure the directory of custom templates folder: From the menu, select Edit→Preferences...→General.
This chapter covers adding, removing, splitting and joining measures etc, in addition to the Measure properties dialog which is used to adjust individual measure—such as visibility, duration, numbering and width ("Stretch"). The Measure chapter outline related formattings.
Adding and removing measures in effect insert or remove segment of time, affecting all instruments and staffs. Score items associated with that segment are removed along with it, while rest symbols are added automatically whereever necessary. To ensure that inserted or appended measures display correctly, multimeasure rests should be set to off (toggle M).
Use one of the following options:
Use one of the following options:
To automatically remove any blank measures from the end of the score:
To delete only the measure contents (and not the measure itself):
To open this window, right-click an empty part of the measure and select Measure Properties.... Modification are not applied until the user presses the Apply button. Use the left and right arrow buttons at the bottom left to navigate to a neighbouring measure.
Under Staves,
Under Measure duration,
Under Other,
Adjust Nominal and Actual settings to create pickup measure (also known as anacrusis or upbeat), cadenza, ad lib section etc.
In the image below, the quarter note pickup measure has a nominal time signature of 4/4, but an actual time sig. of 1/4. The measures in the middle are in normal 4/4 time. The complementary measure at the end of the staff, with a dotted half note, has an actual time sig. of 3/4.
A small - or + sign above the measure indicates its duration is different than indicated by the time signature (see image below). They can be turned off with View menu &arr; Mark Irregular Measures. The markers do not appear in printed copies.
See Barlines:Vertical alignment
See the Layout and format : Measure Numbers chapter.
Functions under Tools → Measure are disabled if the score contains Musescore Parts.
Split measures and join measures commands change Actual properties to adjust measure duration. They do not affect Time signature on the score, but beam grouping setting may be reset.
Alternatively, join two neighbouring measures by selecting the barline in between and either (1) press Ctrl+Del (Mac: Cmd+Del) ; or (2) press V to make the barline invisible in printed copies (the barline still takes space).
Choose one of the following methods:
Голос это музыкальная линия или партия независящая от других голосов этого же нотоносца. Другое понятие "Голос" в некоторых нотных редакторах это "слои".
У вас может быть до четырёх голосов на каждом нотоносце. В полифоническом такте для голоса 1 (и голоса 3) ноты обычно пишут штилями вверх, а голоса 2 (и голоса 4) - штилями вниз.
Внимание! Будьте аккуратны, чтобы не спутать понятие голосов MuseScore (1, 2, 3, 4) с порядком голосов, находящихся в вокальных партитурах SATB (Сопрано Альт Тенор Бас):
Selecting a section of the score highlights each voice in a different color: voice 1 blue, voice 2 green, voice 3 orange and voice 4 purple.
The following instructions show you how to notate a passage of music in two voices:
Enter voice 1 notes first: Make sure you are in note input mode : the Voice 1 button becomes highlighted in blue in the toolbar. Enter the notes in the top voice first. On inputting, some notes may have down-stems, but these will flip automatically when the second voice is added.
The following excerpt shows a treble staff with just the voice 1 notes entered:
Move cursor back to start of section: When you have finished entering a section of voice 1 notes, press the ← key repeatedly to move the cursor, note-by-note, back to the first note of the section; or alternatively use Ctrl+← (Mac:Cmd+←) to move the cursor back one measure at a time. Or else you can simply exit note input mode (press Esc) and click directly on the first note.
Enter voice 2 notes: Make sure you are in note-input mode and that the voice 1 note at the beginning of the section is selected. Click on the "Voice 2" button (on the right of the toolbar), or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+2 (Mac: Cmd+Alt+2). Enter all the lower voice notes (down-stem).
The following image shows the above example after the addition of voice 2 notes:
All rests can be made invisible, if required: select the desired rest(s) and press V, or uncheck the "Visible" checkbox in the Inspector. Rests in voices 2, 3 or 4 (but not voice 1) can also be deleted (by selecting them and pressing Delete) but it is not recommended: make them invisible instead.
A voice 1 rest can only be deleted by removing that part of the measure from the score as well: see Remove selected range; or Delete measure(s).
If a rest has been deleted in voices 2-4, you will need to restore it before you can enter a note on that beat in that voice (the problem may arise, for example, in imported XML or MIDI files). The easiest way to fix such a measure is to exchange that voice with voice 1 twice. For the exact method, see Exchange voices of notes (below).
To swap the notes between any two voices:
Notes: (a) The selection can encompass content of any voice, but only two will be processed at once. (b) If you select a partial measure the operation will still apply to the whole measure.
You can also move notes from one voice to another (without note-swapping):
Note: For a successful move, the following conditions need to be met:
To select a note in a higher-numbered voice than the current one:
To select a note in a lower-numbered voice than the current one:
Not to be confused with the note input cursor explained in Note input chapter
Select elements on a score for further action such as duplication. Elements currently selected on the score are shown colorized with the Voice each element belongs to, otherwise black by default. Voice 1 blue, Voice 2 green, Voice 3 orange and Voice 4 purple. The color can be changed under Edit→Preferences : Advanced, see Preferences chapter.
The current selection status is shown on the bottom left status bar, it changes whenever the selection is updated by the user. There are four selection status:
Many common operations such as Copy and Paste requires a Range Selection.
Shown below are "single item selection" of a Voice 1 item (top) and "Range Selection" and its status bar (bottom).
To select a single element with the mouse, simply click it. Clicking on an element always select it only, except for the measure element. Clicking on the blank space of a measure (inside the measure's five staff lines) to select it also automatically selects multiple objects inside that measure, the result is a Range Selection.
To select a single element with the keyboard, use the cursor keys to navigate to the element, see all navigation keyboard keys in Viewing and navigation chapter. In Normal mode (press keyboard Esc to use this mode), the left and right cursor keys ← → navigate through a randomly selected note or rest at each time moment only. Use Alt + cursor keys to navigate through all elements at each time moment, including all notes, articulation, dynamics, and other markings.
When multiple objects occupy the same position on a score and fully overlap each other, such as two notes having same pitch but in different Voices, Ctrl + click on it repeatedly to cycle through the set, until the desired element is selected.
To use pitch only Copy and paste commands, select the notehead of a note. To copy and paste everything, including duration etc, create a Range Selection of the note, see "Creating a Range Selection" section. Pitch only feature is removed in Musescore 4.
Most commands that operate on a single note requires selecting the notehead, for example, changing the note's pitch. A note is also a collection of elements including notehead, stem, flag, dot, accidental, etc. Each of these items can be selected individually for purpose like fine tuning its layout position.
Multiple notes of a single chord can be selected one by one to create a List Selection. A single chord can also be selected with the time positions it starts and ends at to create a Range Selection.
Many commonly used commands, including Copy and paste, that can be used on a single chord requires a Range Selection of it, as shown in the image above. Besides the method explained in "Creating a Range Selection" section, there is a special quick way to do it for a single chord. First make sure nothing is currently selected (press Esc to be sure) and then Shift+click on any one of the notehead of the chord.
As Range Selection automatically selects base on time positions, notes in other voices may be included unless explicitly excluded, see "Excluding elements from Range Selection" section.
The repeat selection command (R) works on a single chord, either on a Range Selection of it, and when exactly one note of that chord is selected. See Copy and paste: Repeating a selection chapter.
Create a List Selection manually by using mouse clicks, drag select, or by using commands.
(All Musescore 3 versions)
Elements positioned outside of the area of any staff lines and does not overlap with other elements, can be selected together using mouse drag select. Shift + click on any blank space (outside of staff lines) and drag the cursor to create a selection box. This creates a List Selection only if no notes or rests are included, otherwise a Range selection using the "starting and end time position method" is created.
(Requires Musescore 3.5 version or later)
To add an object to the selection, or remove one, Ctrl (Mac: Cmd) + click on the object. This converts the selection to List Selection. Measure does not support the addition/removal method. Adding and removing element from a Range Selection also converts it into a List Selection.
To select all elements of a given type in the entire score or in a given staff:
To select all elements of a given type between two time positions:
(Requires Musescore 3.5 version or later)
(All Musescore 3 versions)
To create more complex selections of similar elements:
The options available in the select dialog will depend on the type of element you right-clicked.
The selection options specific to notes are:
In addition to the type-specific selection options, there are action options at the bottom of the dialog that are common to all element types. These control what happens to the selected elements, and only one of these can be chosen at a time:
A Range selection instructs Musescore to automatically select useful elements between a given beginning and ending time position across a given set of staves.
Suitable for selections that fit on one screen. Shift + click on any blank space (outside of staff lines) and drag the cursor to create a selection box. Include at least one note or rests to create a Range selection.
Suitable for selections that span several pages.
Using the keyboard alone or primarily:
The available commands include:
MuseScore includes some special commands to make command selections:
Before executing actions on a Range Selection, it is possible to exclude elements by type. For example, leaving out the lyrics when duplicating notes, rest etc of a phrase; or deleting everything not in voice 1 in a multiple voices passage. To exclude elements of a given type:
Note that if you exclude voice 1, you will not be able to select any measures that lack content in other voices. So be sure to restore voice 1 after performing the operation for which you are excluding voice 1. For example, if you wish to copy and paste only voice 2, make your range selection, use the Selection Filter to exclude voice 1, use Edit→Copy or Ctrl+C, then restore the checkbox next to voice 1 before attempting to select the destination to paste.
Example: Suppose you want to copy measures 1 and 2 in the following passage (see image), to give measures 3 and 4:
MuseScore remembers an unlimited number of undo/redo actions.
The standard shortcuts are:
Action | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y | Cmd+Shift+Z |
Or use the toolbar buttons:
This chapter describes the options available in the View Menu, and in the Zoom and Page View/Continuous View menus (located in the toolbar above the score). It also details the various navigation commands and functions.
There are several ways to zoom the score in or out:
Keyboard shortcut:
View menu:
Drop-down menu: To set a specific zoom, use the dropdown menu in the standard toolbar to set the view magnification of the score (25–1600 %) or display it using the options "Page Width", "Whole Page", or "Two Pages".
You may type a custom zoom % into the dropdown field if your desired zoom level isn't available by default.
To return to 100% zoom: Use the shortcut Ctrl+0 (Mac: Cmd+0).
The Toolbar area is located between the Menu bar and the document window.
It contains the following toolbars:
To show or hide certain toolbars:
Note: This option also allows you to show or hide the Timeline, Score Comparison Tool, Script Recorder, Piano Keyboard, Selection Filter, and Drumset Tools.
Select View→Toolbars, and click on "Customize Toolbars…"
The dialog shows the toolbars that can be customized on the left, the current tool buttons for the selected toolbar in the middle, and the buttons that can be added on the right. When you have selected a toolbar in the left panel, you can do any of the following actions:
Note: The toolbar cannot be customized unless a custom workspace is selected (see below).
Select this option to create a custom workspace or to edit an existing workspace.
The Status bar, at the bottom of the screen, gives information about selected score elements. Tick/untick this option to display or hide.
It is possible to split the document display so as to view two documents at once, or to view two different parts of the same document. Tabs allow you to choose which document to display in each view. You can drag the barrier separating the two scores to adjust the amount of space in the window devoted to each:
This section allows you to display or hide various non-printing elements:
A plus sign or minus sign at the top right of a measure indicates that its duration differs from that set by the time signature.
Full Screen mode expands MuseScore to fill your screen so more content is visible.
You can switch between different views of the score using the drop-down list in the toolbar area:
To scroll the score:
In Page View, the score is formatted as it will appear when printed or exported as a PDF or image file: that is, page by page, with margins. MuseScore applies system (line) and page breaks automatically, according to the settings made in Page settings and Style…. In addition, you can apply your own system (line), page or section breaks.
To choose between horizontal or vertical page scrolling, see Preferences: Canvas (Scroll pages).
In Continuous View, the score is shown as one unbroken system. Even if the starting point is not in view, measure numbers, instrument names, clefs, time and key signatures will always be displayed on the left of the window.
Note: Because the layout is simpler, MuseScore may perform faster in Continuous View than Page View.
In Single Page View the score is shown as a single page with a header but no margins, and with an infinite page height. System (line) breaks are added automatically, according to the settings made in Page settings and Style…. In addition, you can apply your own system (line) or section breaks.
The workspaces, Inspector and Selection filter are conveniently displayed as side panels to the left and right of the score window. To undock a side panel use one of the following methods:
To dock a panel use one of the following procedures:
Alternatively, double-clicking the title bar of the panel will restore it to its previously docked position.
Various commands are available to help you navigate more easily through the score. These are listed under Keyboard shortcuts: Navigation.
The Navigator is an optional panel which displays page thumbnails of the score at the bottom or to the right of the document window.
The Navigator appears at the bottom of the document window if scrolling pages horizontally; or on the right if scrolling pages vertically (see Preferences: Canvas).
The blue box represents the area of the score that is currently visible in the document window: drag the box, or click directly on the navigator panel to bring another part of the score into view. You can also drag the scrollbar.
The Timeline panel provides a detailed overview of the score, with expanded possibilities for navigation and interaction.
For details, see Timeline.
The Find / Go to function allows you to speedily navigate to a specific measure, rehearsal mark or page number in the score:
Use one of the following options:
N.B.: It is best to avoid naming rehearsal marks with the single letters "R", "r", "P", "p", or one of these letters with an integer (e.g. "R1" or "p3"), as this can confuse the search algorithm.
Note: The "Pan score automatically" toolbar button must be enabled for the Find command to be able to reposition the score view to the correct location.
You can choose to display the score in either written or concert (sounding) pitch. Written pitch displays the score as it should look when printed for musicians to read. However, during preparation you may prefer the convenience of seeing the transposing instruments notated as they sound, without transposition. In this case you should select the "Concert pitch" option.
To toggle the score display between written or concert pitch:
Before printing the score, exporting it to PDF or saving it online, you should ensure that the Concert Pitch button is off, and that the individual parts are correctly transposed.
The cut, copy, and paste commands can be used to reproduce entire passages of music, to move music earlier or later, to copy text or other markings between staves, to exchange the content in different measures, and more.
In all cases, the first step is to create a selection of element(s), see Selecting elements chapter.
As with other programs that support cut, copy, and paste, you can access these commands from the Edit menu, from a context menu that appears upon right-click or related gesture (e.g., Ctrl+click, or two-finger tap), or via the standard keyboard shortcuts.
Command | Shortcut (Windows) | Shortcut (Mac) | Context menu | Main menu |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Cmd+X | Cut | Edit→Cut |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Cmd+C | Copy | Edit→Copy |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Cmd+V | Paste | Edit→Paste |
Swap with clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+X | Cmd+Shift+X | Swap with Clipboard | Edit→Swap with clipboard |
Paste half duration | Ctrl+Shift+Q | Cmd+Shift+Q | N/A | Edit→Paste half duration |
Paste double duration | Ctrl+Shift+W | Cmd+Shift+W | N/A | Edit→Paste double duration |
Note: (1) When using the context menu, take care to always right-click on a selected item; if you right-click on an empty space by mistake your selection will be lost! (2) Paste half/double duration requires Musescore 3.1 version or later.
As explained in the Selecting Elements chapter, in a Range selection, Musescore automatically selects useful elements between given beginning and ending time positions across a given set of staves. These elements includes all of the notes, rests, Musescore Texts such as dynamics symbols, Musescore Lines such as pedal etc. System-wide elements such as Tempo, Time signatures, Repeats, Layout breaks are not included in the automatic selection, thus are not copied.
Upon pasting onto a destination time position, the copied music replaces all of its existing content, except for its original measure rhythm structure and system-wide elements.
(Copying a List Selection requires Musescore 3.5 version or later)
MuseScore also allows copying a single element, or a List Selection of multiple lyrics, chord symbols, dynamics, articulation, or other markings from one place to another, while keeping the content such as notes in the destination intact.
If a single note selected by notehead, upon copying only the pitch is copyed into the destination note. To copy and paste everything, including duration etc, create a Range Selection of the note first, see Selecting Elements chapter. Pitch only feature is removed in Musescore 4.
Multiple notes List Selection cannot be copied.
MuseScore preserves the relative time positions of the markings based on literal note value distance if possible, measure rhythm is not taken into account. This includes case of copying chord symbols and dynamics. Valid note or rest anchors are required at the destination music when pasting lyrics and articulations.
Cut and paste commands can be used to
Measures (their rhythmic structure) cannot be moved, but see Measure operations and Time signatures chapters. When moving List Selection, its elements' relative positions are preserved if possible, see "Copying a List Selection" section.
To move a selection:
The swap with clipboard command combines two operations into one: (1) First it overwrites a selected part of the score with the contents of the clipboard, just like the paste command; (2) Second, it transfers the overwritten part of the score back to the clipboard, just like the copy command.
It can be used, for example, to swap two equal-length sections of a score, A and B:
Like the other commands discussed here, you can access the swap with clipboard command from the menu or via a keyboard shortcut—in this case, it is Ctrl+Shift+X (Mac: Cmd+Shift+X).
A common use for copy and paste is to duplicate a given passage (including notes, chords etc) immediately after the original. Use the special repeat selection command to simplify this process.
This does not work on List Selection. It works on a single chord, either on a Range Selection of it, and when exactly one note of that chord is selected. See Selecting Elements chapter. In note input mode, this command repeats the entire chord that contains the current note. This is useful for creating a series of repeated chords.
If you wish to copy a passage to multiple staves—for instance, to double music of flute with oboes and clarinets&mdash:
This copies the original selection, assuming it contains only single notes—no chords and no multiple voices. If there are chords or multiple voices, then these are distributed among the remaining staves. For more on Explode command, see Tools chapter.
Requires Musescore 3.1 version or later.
If you have entered a passage using mostly eighth notes but wish to halve the entire passage to using mostly sixteenth notes, or double it to quarter notes, MuseScore provides a pair of special commands to accomplish this. You can either modify the durations of a selection in place or create a separate copy of the passage with the modified durations. To halve or double the duration of a passage:
Individual elements—even those that are not selected automatically in a Range Selection, like time signatures or voltas—can be selected and then duplicated using a mouse.
MuseScore native format (*.mscz and *.mscx) are backward compatible: MuseScore 4 opens MuseScore 3's *.mscz without error.
MuseScore native format has never been forward compatible, see forum discussion. Although partial data retrieval is still possible as of MuseScore 4.0.2, you should not rely on it for score data integrity. Some features present in MuseScore 3 have not (yet) been included in MuseScore 4, and internal data conversion occurs when you open a older version file with a newer version program and then overwrite the file using the save function.
Some users find it useful to keep all data intact by creating seperate folders to store score files designated for editing on different Musescore versions, it is recommended to duplicate files before opening them as required.
In the File menu you can find options for opening, saving, exporting and printing your file:
Apart from native format files (*.mscz and *.mscx), MuseScore can also open MusicXML, compressed MusicXML and MIDI files, as well as a variety of files in other formats.
To open any supported file:
Open recent allows you to choose from a list of recently-opened scores.
Save, Save As…, Save a Copy… and Save Selection… allow you to save native MuseScore files (.mscz and .mscx).
Export... allows you to create non-MuseScore files, such as PDF, MusicXML, MIDI, and various audio and image formats. In the Export dialog, you can choose which format to export to.
MuseScore remembers which format you picked the last time and makes that the default for the next time.
Print... allows to print your MuseScore file directly to a printer from MuseScore. Depending on your printer you will have different options, but generally you can define the page range, number of copies and collation.
If you have a PDF printer installed, you could also "export" to PDF using Print, but it's usually better to use the native PDF option under Export for more accurate rendition. Note: For this to work properly with Adobe PDF, make sure to uncheck "Rely on system fonts only, do not use document fonts" in Printer properties. allows you to:
Note: A MuseScore Pro account is required for all scores not marked as PD (Public Domain) or "Original" work, the latter must also have the approval of the score owner.
To save a score online:
From the menu, select File→Save Online.... The "Log in to MuseScore" dialog will appear:
Enter your email address or MuseScore username, and password, then click OK. Note: If you don't have a MuseScore account yet, create one first by clicking on the "Create an account" link. That will open your browser app and bring you to
Upon successfully logging in and if the score already exists online, it will be updated automatically. Uncheck Update the existing score to save online as a new score.
If you are using a different SoundFont than the default one and if you are able to export MP3 files (may not be the case on some Linux versions), a checkbox Upload score audio will be visible:
If the checkbox is checked, MuseScore will render the audio of the score using the current synthesizer settings and upload the audio to
Now you'll be able to enter your score information.
You can also upload a score on directly:
If you want to make changes to one of your scores on, edit the MuseScore file on your own computer, save it, and then do the following:
It is much more convenient to update online scores from directly within MuseScore than by updating the score manually from the score page. Follow these steps if you originally uploaded the score via the Upload page and now want to switch to the direct method:
Now whenever you want to update the online score simply go to File→Save Online....
Note: The URL should be follow the format of and should not contain 'Nice Link's.